Fuel Line

Started by deek, September 26, 2003, 10:10:20 AM

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Which direction do the petcocks (outlet) on a 1972 6 Day, face, toward the rear, to the inside?? Does the fuel line on left, if the outlet is to the rear (sitting in the saddle) go to the outside of the pipe bracket ( would go over the pipe) or inside,? Thanks for your support.



john durrill

Dale i have mine pointing in and at a slight angle so the T lines up best. then route the line to the left of the carb cables and crose it over just below the top of the carb to the fuel inlet. use some ty wraps to keep things in a safe zone and as loose as you can make them and still work around the fuel line.
 It what i did in the 70's and it works for us today.
John D



Thanks John, that looks like the best route.



john durrill

Dale i have mine pointing in and at a slight angle so the T lines up best. then route the line to the left of the carb cables and crose it over just below the top of the carb to the fuel inlet. use some ty wraps to keep things in a safe zone and as loose as you can make them and still work around the fuel line.
 It what i did in the 70's and it works for us today.
John D



Thanks John, that looks like the best route.
