motoplat questions

Started by penton117, December 19, 2000, 11:20:31 AM

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Merry Christmas fellow POGGERS! I was wondering about motoplats. I seem to recall that motoplats had a common problem of burning out a particular diode. You can actually see the diode vaguely under the potting. I have also seen some motoplats with the diode mounted almost externally, with just a small amount of insulation / potting material coating it. Perhaps to facilitate an easy replacement? That is my question. Can this offending part be replaced and a bad motoplat revived? Thanks for your input.


Larry Perkins

I believe that it can be done.  In the 70's in Texas at the shop I worked at you could send the bad Motoplat to Dane and have them rebuilt.  However a lot of people just bought new ones then because they weren't as pricey in those days and there were plenty of them.  If Dane reads the page he can answer this one and is probably formost expert in this area.  If he does not read this try him at PVL.


dave hussey

 The epoxy becomes soft if you heat it with a hair drier, allowing you to pick at it and remove it. BUT be careful, because you can damage the fine wires underneath it if you are careless. Good luck!
Dave H.
dave h.