Wassel Seat

Started by Paul Danik, March 26, 2001, 07:44:26 PM

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Paul Danik

I want to put the small trials seat on my woodsman and remove the large enduro style seat.  If anyone has a spare Wassel trials seat or seat pan to sell or trade please let me know. Thanks, Paul Danik



This is a real long shot,, but here goes ...

Paul ,, when I bought my 'piner,, it came with a small seat that was alledgedly from a Penton of some sort,, but it sure didnt fit my bike ! it looks like it could be some shorted yammajapasakai seat,, but i have NO idea ... funny thing is,, the rear mount actually fits across the bike real well .. base is plastic ,, and has a plastic "slide" hooshkarooshki built into  the front that appears to have NO value to a Penton high breather frame ...

 Wifey MADE me buy a digi cam a couple weeks ago,, ( hate it when she takes control )

 I havent so much as looked at the seat ,,, if you think it may help,, and if my score is right,, i owe you one !


Paul Danik

  If you look at the featured Pentons on this site you can see what I am trying to do.  I have a Woodsman, same as the August machine, and I want to make it like the Feb. Machine. I have an extra trials exhaust header pipe and muffler, NOS side panels, NOS front end, all I need to complete that transition is a seat like the one on the Feb. machine.  I just like that look.  SOOOOOOO if your seat looks like that!!!!!!!!  Let me know.  Thanks a bunch. Paul



nope .... i knew it was a


shot ...

 this seat actually has a profile more similar to the steel tankers,, but before my mailbox gets filled,, I dont think we are that lucky !

 would send a digital pic to be sure though,, LOL ...  oh well,, never know unless you ask !


Dennis Jones

Paul, I don't have an extra seat but I can probably get you a pattern for the base as it is just  flat aluminum with two breaks in it. Mini-cell foam works great, It is very dense, waterproof, and easy to shape. Sargents Cycle Seats in Florida made a cover for me that looked exact but they were VERY proud of it.

Dennis Jones
Dennis Jones

Paul Danik

Dennis, I appreciate the offer but I do have another Wassel that is in trials trim.  If I can't locate a seat my plan is to make a
" Martian Replica ".  
Thanks again, Paul Danik
              Mars, PA


Kip Kern


I have one and you can have it!  It has a smooth seat cover on it but is in like new condition!  Just like the FEB bike.  Send me a shipping address
