ISDT Vintage Qualifier (ISDTVQ)

Started by tlanders, December 05, 2003, 04:34:02 PM

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Of all the vintage motorcycle events that I have enjoyed over the last three years, I have loved the ISDT Reunion Rides (ISDTRR) the best. And why not, it is an enduro, a cross country and a motocross race all on one weekend. I have wished that we could have more than one of them per year. I noted that when the ISDTRR was included in the AHRMA Cross Country series in 2001, the attendance jumped from around 50 the year before to 150. This jump probably should be credited to Ron Ribolzi and the Missouri Mudders, or to Jeff DeBell or just to the fact that the ISDTRR is getting more popular and gathering steam, but I think making it an AHRMA point paying event brought in a bunch of new riders. I know that the Dalton ISDTRR was not an AHRMA point paying event and yet it exceeded all our expectations. However, I believe the charisma of the 30th reunion of the first ISDT in the US had a lot to do with the high entry numbers. Also the fact that there are a lot of woods riders in the east that haven't been able to make it to the Midwest made the numbers higher.

To get the ball rolling, I talked to Dave Boydstun and Dave Lamberth last month and got their approval to hold an ISDT 2 Day Vintage Qualifier on the weekend of March 13/14, 2004 that would be included in the AHRMA National Cross Country series. It would be perfectly nestled between the Florida and Texas Nationals and wouldn't conflict with Andre Ming's VISDT the following weekend. I then contacted a number of people like Ron Ribolzi, Lynn Burton, Andre Ming, Jeff DeBell, Vern Street, etc. and they gave me lots of ideas and the names of clubs in Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri and Alabama that might be willing to host it. I called all of them and Rick Owens of the Razorback Riders got back to me first with a yes, they would love to do it on that weekend. Rick has since received tentative approval from the forest service and should know from them that it is a go by the end of December.

The format will be similar to the ISDTRRs with the exception that it will be paying AHRMA National Cross Country points for each day. Therefore, you can sign up for one day ($35) or two days ($80). If you sign up for only one day, whether it be Saturday or Sunday, you will receive National Cross Country points and trophies according to your performance for that day only. The racing on each day will not be the same but will follow the 2 day qualifier format with various different special tests (cross country, one lap on the motocross course, acceleration/braking, etc.) interspersed with the enduro/trail sections on each day including the 5 lap grass track motocross at the end of the second day. Rick has 30 acres with lots of pasture land to hold the grass track motocross and will be using national forest trails for the rest. He helped Darryl Judy lay out the trails for the ISDTRRs back in the late 1990's and is very sensitive to the needs of vintage bikes. I told him that Dwight Rudder said that if you could ride the weekend on a KE100 and still be smiling at the end, then the trails were right for vintage bikes.

For those who sign up to run both days, in addition to the individual day AHRMA Cross Country points and trophies, there will be ISDT Vintage Qualifier (ISDTVQ) Gold, Silver and Bronze metals!!! This is an AHRMA National event so there will be tech inspection, it will follow the AHRMA bike and rider classes for the Cross Country series, and there will not be any modern bikes.

Needless to say, I am super excited about this event because now I get to go to two 2 day ISDT type events next year. I am praying that you all will support this event to thank the Razorback Riders and Vern & Sarah Street (score keepers) for their willingness to do this on such short notice. If we can make it a success, I am sure the Razorback Riders will want to do it again in 2005.

Thanking you in advance for your support, see you in Arkansas in March!!!

Teddy Landers

Dwight Rudder

Any Way they could move it up a weekend ? The Nat'l Enduro in Ga. is the weekend you are talking about. I wouldn't be able to make it as I hope to be competing in the Nat'l Enduros again this year.

Dwight Rudder
7 time ISDT / E medalist
8 time National Enduro Class Champion.


I'm afraid that is the only weekend available for the Razorback Riders. They are hosting an enduro the following weekend. We will miss you Dwight, you looked great in the 30th reunion DVD!!!!



I forgot to mention where ISDTVQ will be held. It's about 30 miles east of Fayetteville, AR. Specifically, it's 2 miles south of Combs, AR on Madison County Rd 4275 off of Rt 16. Combs is small and not on many maps but it is about 3 miles west of Brashear, AR which is at the intersection of Rt 16 and Rt 23.

Also, lights and licenses on the bikes are NOT required which will save some of us some money. The Razorback Riders are installing electrical hookups for the RVs this weekend and they will have a dump station set up.
