mid ohio featured marque

Started by jerry, January 21, 2004, 02:40:48 PM

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will be vintage bmws
Just got my vintage bmw newsletter and they said it was late breaking news. As savy as you guys are, you probably knew about this for weeks. Jerry


Doug Wilford

I think it was mentioned last month at our meeting.   Now you will have to bring two bikes to show at Mid-Ohio.  Your Penton and one of your prize Beemers.

Paul Danik

Gee, I wonder if anyone ever set a cross country record on a BMW and also rode one in the woods.  :D Might have to rent cardboard John out to the Beemer guys for their display!!!  Maybe we need to clone cardboard John.


Thanks for the update on our site.  Please keep us informed as to if any of the BMW ISDT bikes will be there.  Even better if they could get the famous BMW rider Herbert Schek with one of his bikes.  Just a thought.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Kip Kern

Wasn't BMW the featured marque the very first VMD at Mid Ohio?  I remember sitting in the big white BMW tent many VMD's ago[?]


If 99 was the first year, snortin Norton was the featured Marque.

Paul Danik

BSA's were the subject of the first featured Marque display and the year was 1996.  The club that put on the display was The Ohio Valley BSA Owners Club. The Ohio Valley group is still at it and host a vintage swapmeet and trials in May, and a Rally with trials, reliability run, bike show, road rides, swapmeet, ect. in August. I will have to get the webmaster the dates of these events to list in the swapmeet listings.  The above mentioned events take place at Toronto, Ohio, not far from Steubenville.


I went to the AMA site and they only went back to 99.  I didn't realize when all of the fun began in Ohio!!

Kip Kern

Rod,  I have your stuff, do you want me to ship it or do you want to pick it up at the POG meeting in Feburary?  Paul is correct, the VMD started north of Columbus

Paul Danik

Actually Vintage Days had traveled a bit before landing at Mid-Ohio.  The first one that I went to, and I believe it was the first event held, was at the old AMA headquarters at Westerville, Ohio.  It was held in the parking lots and grassy areas and the planners were overwhelmed at the turnout. I remember Ike Penton pulling in on his Harley and drawing a crowd.   From Westerville it moved to Powell Speedway for a couple of years and then to Mid-Ohio. I went to the " Life Member" dinner at Powell Speedway and Larry Maiers was the MC.  He had a contest to see who had the lowest AMA number and it was pretty low, I think it had only 3 digits. My first card, which I still have, is made of a heavy paper material, almost cardboard, man I am getting old!!!!!


Fast turnaround on the "stuff".  Hold onto it and I will pick up in Ohio at the meeting.
thank you very much,

401939A been around awhile myself!!


Paul,  Very good memory on Vintage Day locations. At my son Jeff's insistence I went to the first one at Westerville, and everyone since. they just keep getting better! And your not getting old, we are just maturing!  079432  See you at IX Center.  
