Trail Riding in OH, VA, WVA and points South

Started by LynnCamp, August 29, 2003, 05:51:13 AM

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Thanks Lynn,

I just got the 250 from one of the members (robbersroost1)and so far all I've had the oportunity to do is anoy my neighbors:)

One of the guys that works in our web group down in Knoxville is into 4-wheeling; he says there are miles and miles of trails at "The Fork" with varying degrees of difficulty.  According to him they go from mild to radical.  They enter the forest and stay the weekend, camping, 4-wheeling, and having a good time.  I think it's worth a look.

Thanks for the links, I'll check them out tonight.

Age is a tate of mind and an affliction of the body.


At the risk of sounding negative, I believe a word of caution is in order concerning the Hatfield McCoy area. I have personally heard of 3 or 4 folks who experienced serious theft and vandalism while in the area. It would appear that some folks look upon the proliferation of "tourists" at isolated motels and/or parking areas as a convenient feeding ground for "stuff".:(

I know of two guys who had their entire (locked to the truck) trailer with bikes and gear stolen while the rig was parked outside their motel room. Another guy returned to the parking area to find windows in his truck completely smashed, just for sport, I suppose.[V]

There are two web sites available for H-M info (as I recall, one was the "official" H-M site and the other was set up by the group that "operates' the system) and one of them has a chat room where I read similar horror stories. Might be worth checking out, tho' since this is a well-publicized program, added security measures could be in place or forthcoming.

While this can be a problem at virtually every trailhead on major backpacking, mountain biking, etc. venues, and everyone should take precautions, the comparative plethora of reports I've heard don't inspire me to run right down there..



Thanks for the warning.  That may explain why there was an armed ex-policeman in charge of the Hatfield-McCoy trailhead I visited (it is actually a private piece of property).  I am very bad about carrying multiple computers, cameras, etc. out in plain view... so it sounds like I need to be more careful.  However, we have met nothing but great people (especially the ex-cop was super nice)and haven't had any trouble.


Lynn,  Although I have been off the dirt bikes for a few years, (hope to get back into it with POG's help) we had been finding great trailriding opportunities in the form of off-road poker run-type events.  Basically, these are organized, pay-and-ride trailrides.  Basically, you just show up, pay your ten bucks, leave when you want, follow the arrows, and ride legally all day.  There are support crews, refreshment stops, and even prizes to be won.  I'm not sure exactly how to find out the whens and wheres, but a little digging should turn up info to help you.  The ones we rode were put on by rural fire departments as fundraisers.  Check it out.