We should start a scholarship award ...

Started by LynnCamp, February 13, 2004, 07:40:31 PM

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I feel so blessed to have been able to get to the ISDTRR and into the banquet (still don't know how I lucked into those tickets) and most recently -- to the POG Annual Meeting at the AMA museum.

But I also feel badly because there are many POG members that should have been there instead of me cuz of all that they contribute in time and knowledge on a regular basis to these forums.   I hate that some of them haven't had the great pleasure of meeting some of our heroes and "POG Forum" friends in person, or touch and feel those magnificent machines.... For one reason or another.... Mostly likely because of distance and/or money.

It made me wonder if we could start some sort of annual scholarship award that would sponsor somebody to come to --- their choice – to [:p]the ISDTRR, the POG Annual Meeting, or the Mid-Ohio Swap Meet.  From the Annual Meeting, I learned that the club is legally limited in money it can raise or spend, but Ed Youngblood is looking to change that soon.  As a matter of fact, this scholarship award, may help with the Penton Future Project by encouraging contributions because the award would be given to the person that has contributed the most over the year to helping people on the Forums.  

The downside is that there are so many people that contribute so much that it would take many years to award each of the deserving people and a very difficult decision to make each year as to which one to pick – but a lottery from the favorites would work well. (just don't let Connie Del Solar stuff the ballot box)

We could also throw in a 45% discount from Al, a ride from the Mars Man, and BBQ dinner with Speedy!


Spooge on my face, this is going to take awhile, please read on...

When I was a kid, there was this guy on our turf, his name was Jonny Boronnie. He had a Taco mini-bike with a McCullough engine, it singed with a music I did not know.. I went with his father to a local area in Venice Beach Calif...I think it was near some old Howard Hughes property, we used to steal into the area you know...anyway I asked if I could ride it...GUESS What, they said NO!!! Not knowing what an impact it made to me in my later years, I kept on and other things happened.. A place called Grizwalda happened in another of my friend's life...

Now that you understand, I am a baby boomer....what is the net result, can be told round a warm campfire, being older guarantees nothing...

But it says right here on page "43 that you should have a piece of it, else you try it will pass you By"

Mr. Carbaugh, you are in my thoughts   Sir....
Thomas Brosius


  Thanks for the kind words, but [:o)] my Father doesn't read this Forum so please it's Ron and again thanks for the nice repro. on the left side cover.  I have had several over the years that I have either thrown away or given them away because of poor quality.  Thanks again Tom.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Tom,  That's the right side cover.  Sorry Big Guy.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Quotequote:Originally posted by LynnCamp

I feel so blessed to have been able to get to the ISDTRR and into the banquet (still don't know how I lucked into those tickets) and most recently -- to the POG Annual Meeting at the AMA museum.

But I also feel badly because there are many POG members that should have been there instead of me cuz of all that they contribute in time and knowledge on a regular basis to these forums.   I hate that some of them haven't had the great pleasure of meeting some of our heroes and "POG Forum" friends in person, or touch and feel those magnificent machines.... For one reason or another.... Mostly likely because of distance and/or money.

It made me wonder if we could start some sort of annual scholarship award that would sponsor somebody to come to --- their choice – to [:p]the ISDTRR, the POG Annual Meeting, or the Mid-Ohio Swap Meet.  From the Annual Meeting, I learned that the club is legally limited in money it can raise or spend, but Ed Youngblood is looking to change that soon.  As a matter of fact, this scholarship award, may help with the Penton Future Project by encouraging contributions because the award would be given to the person that has contributed the most over the year to helping people on the Forums.  

The downside is that there are so many people that contribute so much that it would take many years to award each of the deserving people and a very difficult decision to make each year as to which one to pick – but a lottery from the favorites would work well. (just don't let Connie Del Solar stuff the ballot box)

We could also throw in a 45% discount from Al, a ride from the Mars Man, and BBQ dinner with Speedy!
Hello Lynn Baby,...Great idea butnot new.Here is what we the VINDURO group did 2 years ago.
Leo Keller from Germany after traveling for 2 years in a row to Canada(Speedys training camp)and from here to the ISDTRR in the US,was financially drained and could not make it again.Well the VINDURO group created a lottery in secret.(Leo did not know nothing about it)
For $20,--you could buy a ticket(as many as you wished)When the amount to fly LEO in was reached,we sold more tickets until we had enough for a 2.ticket to fly the lucky lottery winner to the CLASSIC ISNY 2 day VINTAGE Enduro in Southern Germany.Its called the MEKKA of Vintage Enduro bikes.(its happening every 2 years.)Bob RIGHBY from Mississippi(ISNY BOB) was flown to Cologne Germany where Leo and Speedy picket him(and his Wife)up at the Airport.LEO providet the 250 HERCULES 7-A,Speedy gave Bob and Wife a tour across Germany to ISNY.
Leo transported the HERC on his trailer to ISNY.ISNY BOB won the 250 class.After a happy one week Holidays they flow home and are happy any after.
It can be done.The next MEKKA is in 2005.
I have already booked.How about you guys and girls?Want to go for it?
Send your $20,--( or mor to Lynn BABY)If Lynn keeps track of everybodys payment and we find out it wont work because of luck of interest,she can give the money back to everybody.
For more info on MEKKA,ask me.

Helmut Clasen KTM
162 Hillcrest Ave
L9H 4Y3
Dundas Ontario Canada
[email protected]
Sachs GP-GS 250-7A reeds
Zuendapp 125 GS ISDT repl.73
KTM 450 EXC Auto.03
Duke spec.Edit,1996
Adventurer 02