48th ISDT Tank Belt Stickers & Wassell Stickers

Started by Randy Kirkbride, March 08, 2004, 08:39:12 AM

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Randy Kirkbride

I now have repops of the 48th ISDT Tank Belt stickers @ $4.50.

After discovering there were a couple different designs of Wassell green / chrome tank stickers, we now also have the one's with the three lines & TRIALS under PENTON, and the one's with just PENTON. they are both $7.50 pair.

+50c postage per order to: PO Box 191,  White Cottage, OH  43791



  Thanks for your Great contribution to POG.  My order will be in soon.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Randy do you have a pic of the tank belt sticker  and do you take Paypal ?.....bt[8D]

Brian Taylor
Brian Taylor

Randy Kirkbride

Hi Brian,
Send me an email & I'll reply with a picture of the sticker.
Sorry, I'm not set up for Paypal.


Thanks Randy. Which stickers would go with my woodsman? The bike I have has a large capaicity Lyta alloy tank on it. I am getting this bike rady for mid Ohio as well as the Radnor Hunt Club Concour de Elegance in Sept.

Randy Kirkbride

I'm not sure which version would go best with the Woodsman.  Maybe some of the other members will give us some input. HELP  [8D]


oops didnt work  I will try again sorry BT

Brian Taylor
Brian Taylor


Randy, I sent you another 8.00 for the newer style of Wassell decals with lines and trials. Thanks


randy I will take a pair of the wassell stickers that say trails on them . Bring them to the next pog meeting if that would be ok.thank you

Randy Kirkbride

I'll have them with me at the next meeting.