Upper shift catch specs

Started by Auto5guy, March 31, 2004, 04:18:23 PM

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I have a 74 250 ktm engine split open and I am looking at the shift assembly.

On page 23 of the August 77 repair manual it says "The distance between the the front surfaces of the upper shift catch must not be greater than 54.8 mm".
Okay this is clearly the maximum specs.  Anybody know what the gap is from the factory or what the minimum gap would be?

I am trying to get a transmission that I can shift through the gears without missing every other gear.


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WARNING: The Surgeon General has determined that castor smoke can be hazardous to your health.  It is highly addictive and causes delusions of grandeur.

Mike Lenz

I have a mod to fix this. Give me a call at 309-449-3276 eve, 309-449-6892 days. You can make it a five speed for mx and with the change of one bolt from the outside of the engine make it a six speed again. There is actually another neutral between second and third which is where Id bet your missed shifts are comming.