VDO Speedo Drive

Started by Keith May, April 29, 2004, 08:53:07 PM

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Keith May

Does anyone know of a rebuild kit or repair parts to fix a speedo drive. Mine came off a '76 GS250 which the previous owner neglected to grease. It stiffened up and wore the nubbins off the drive plate/disc.The gears, housing, and cable drive all appear to be in fine shape but I do need the drive plate and felt seal. The #'s on the unit are: 00/58/1  RH 4 78  and maybe a VDO part # of 21.000.00/
If no parts are available, does anybody have any creative fixes?
Thanks, Keith

Dennis D

Al has some of the drives for sale. Dennis D

Big Mac

Kmay - I've found that well meaning Penton/Husky owners take off the speedo cable when not needed, but leave the speedo drive on the axle, only to find later that the drive "nubs" are sheared off. Had two bikes come my way like that. When installed, the cable end holds the gear drive in place, but when removed and left to spin, the gear rides out of place until it all locks up and causes the drive plate to freeze while the wheel still turns...lesson- ALWAYS take the drive off and replace with spacer if putting the speedo away.

I've found a simple fix is to just cut a couple of new slits in the drive plate 180 degrees from each other with some tin snips, then bend yourself some makeshift new nubs. Grease up all inside well and should work great for quite awhile.... Mac
Jon McLean
Lake Grove, OR

Keith May

Thanks BIG MAC,
I have been contemplating what to do from machining a new part to purchasing a new drive. Seems a waste to toss out a good drive because of this problem. I hadn't thought of your fix but will give it some serious thought.
Thanks again, Keith