+60 Pentons

Started by tlanders, May 25, 2004, 05:35:40 PM

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I thought it was neat that in the last motocross race in the Post Vintage +60 Intermediate class at Camelback Raceway AHRMA National last weekend, all the bikes were Pentons!!! Curt Kennelly was on his 1977 250 MC5, Ray Brandt was on his 1979 MC80 400, and I was on my 1980 MC80 400. It was a great close race. Hooray for Pentons.




Who did you get to go?  How'd you do in the CC?



Hey Teddy when we gonna dress up that RH side of your 80????
Just covering your 6 ...Tom........
Thomas Brosius



Believe it or not, Tim Hamilton called me at 8:30 Thursday morning and said "Let's go!!!" He drove from St. Clair, MO to West Plains and got here around 8:00 PM. We loaded five bikes and left at 11:30PM!!!!!! Drove 'til 1:30, got up at 5:00 and got there just in time for a 4" rain/tornado that blew everybody's pop-ups into the woods. They made us park on the road, too much water/mud in the camping area!!! The Saturday Vintage MX was a joke to begin with. You had to ride with both feet on the mud. By the time the motos started, it got better. I got one hole shot (out of 13 bikes) but threw a chain in the second moto and got a third for the day on my Mint 400. The CC was difficult but not impossible. It was only 2 miles long with a lot of straight up and down sections that were VERY slippery. There were only 28 riders total and I was the only one in my class so a first place came easily. I had put a new front fender, new sprockets and chain, different rear wheel with better brake drum, new brakes, and new tires (Michelins, sorry Dwight) on the Piner. I love that bike!!! It's been through four two-day events (four gold metals) and won two national AHRMA titles over the last three years. I did put a 32mm Bing on it and I haven't got the jetting perfect yet. It loads up at low RPM, but it's a terror at the top end. Since they ran the Post Vintage MX right after the Cross Country, and since there were so few entries, they didn't run two Cross Countries separating the Post Vintage from the Vintage bikes. They started the PV MX shortly after the CC was over and I was in the second moto. Got two hole shots with the MC80 and won the day. HOORAY for PENTONS!!!!




With all the other expenses lately, I have to hold off for a while on the side panel. I have changed a little in my approach to racing. When I started a couple years ago, I went to great lengths and spent a lot of money making my bikes look beautiful. I was discouraged at the end of the year however, to see how much damage racing does to the looks of them. I tend to care more now about function than looks. Throwing a chain at a National race is inexcusable. The master link failed. Kent Knudsen has the right concept to replace an awful lot of the high wear items every year even if they don't look worn out. Thank you for your offer, I'll let you know when I can do it.


Lew Mayer

Teddy, was the CC a killer or what?

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer



Sounds absolutely nuts!  Did Tim even ride?  How's his finger?  I wish I could have gone, but I built up some points at home by saying no.  Glad to hear you did well.




Way to go teddy, I love hearing stories like this.
I fell during the last race and am still on the mend. It was one of those freak things. I had just come over a table top and was high on a carosel corner when some young guy on a yellow bike flew by me. he squared off the corner in front of me and as he did his rear wheel took out my front whell. I went down hard. It knocked the breath out of me and I got up started my bike. I finished the day of racing but I was in pain. I went to see the doctor and they took xrays and said it looked like I cracked at least one rib. when I fell I landed on my left arm and it has hurt ever since. but there is a race coming up in few weeks that I hope to enter. This over 50 is hard on the body. Its a worcs event and is faily close to home. I think it is like a harescramble one race per class and an hour long... It sounds like fun. June is usually pretty mild but we have had hail storms before so only time will tell what the day will be like. I kind of like riding in extreme weather. it seperates the men from the boys.

Thom Green,I own and ride a 76 250 MC5 MX which I bought new.
Thom Green,Still crazy after all these years!
74\\\' 1/2 440 maico
70\\\' 400 maico (project)
93\\\' RMx 250 suzuki
2004 Suzuki DL1000
1988 Honda Gl 1500
2009 KTM 400 XC-W


Lew, your Piner looked so beautiful. Yes it was difficult!!!

Tommy, Tim did ride the vintage MX on Saturday and did 8 laps in the CC on Sunday. His finger doesn't bend very well, but he can grip the handlebars!!! Lots of internal scar tissue. I have to stay home this weekend to get points with Rosemary instead of going to the MOVMX race in Kansas City.

Thom, were you at Camelback? Man I would have loved to visit with you. I am sorry you got banged up. We need Dave Withrow to keep track of all the Penton owners at these races!!! What race number were you in? If you raced +50 were you in race 2 with me? There was a yellow Susuki ridden by Bruce Roundsavelt (sp?) in our race. Are yu going to Casey?




Glad to hear Tim is back at it.  He seems like a real nice guy!  I can't wait for Casey!!  See you there!

