RE: what's it worth?

Started by cardojr, July 26, 2004, 07:08:34 AM

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this weekend junior was pried away from the video to help on the monthly basic bike biz and was put on cable & chain lube duty (I'll explain rust to you texans someday- my brother-in law who lived in lubbock says i have to write real big & talk real slow). In any case, after lubing & test riding in the hayfield(his first time riding a penton or a husky), he says "pops-we should start a vintage race team -these things are fun". Pretty cool coming from a 14 year old. He then went on to mumble something about the amount of horsepower required to haul my fat rear around. my hearing aid quit working about that time.
What's it worth? Business 101 says a product is worth what the market will bear at that moment. If a product doesn't sell, then your asking too much for it or marketing it poorly. No emotion-No whining.

What it's really worth- Friends, new & used parts, weird smelling oil, "here-ride my bike", I'll trade ya' this for that, mudholes, 20 year old hi-point boots that are just breaking in, wood ticks, and hoping that you can still smoke your kids through the woods in a couple of years.
 May need some help with the last one.

hope all is well with everyone-'specially "wan" & donny


  I think I saw it, but Donny and I would like you to write a little slower[^].

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Hey Ron!
What did Rob say???? Can't he include some pictures too!

Donny Smith
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR


No Donny, that is called Show Time and we do that every afternoon after we have BBQ, remember?  Thats when you bring out all the pictures of "who are those riders ahead of the National Champions".

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh