Modern technology

Started by Doug Wilford, September 22, 2004, 08:23:51 PM

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Doug Wilford

Believe it or not!     Check out a new internet site
There is finaly electricity on the North Coast in Ohio.  I hope no one has to call for medical assistance, with this news, but I for one had to sit down to be able to absorb what has happened.    Also I want to express that the Penton Owners Group has no connection with this new site coming on line.   I am sure this sites webmasters Bill and Karen will put it as a link someday.:)


  Thanks for the new site.  Have they started discussion of possible having paved roads and, I know I always ask for too much, possibly having maps of current wagon trails?[:o)]  Just curious.  
  Al we appreciate you[8D].

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


WOW, I just spoke with al last week to get him to send me a new catalog and he never mentioned this at all. This has to be "The News of the Century".

Donny Smith
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR

Don Roth

Am I in a parallel universe ?!? Al, online ? Geesh, next thing you know
he will have email! Kicking and screaming, you folks brought him
into the 21st Century, congratulations!


Larry Perkins

Don't know where the big surprise is here.  

I said months ago that this is where advertising on the POG site and links to suppliers would go.  I am sure for the average member it seems like a good thing and I won't rehash why I don't like it.  Sometimes you can't see why something hurts someone because you can't see through his or her eyes.  I am however darn glad I only have a bit of things to sell and part of my living is not dependant on it anymore.  If it were I would sure moan of the unfairness harder, once again to no avail.

By the way it's called CONFLICT OF INTEREST no matter how good it seems.

Please try not to ACT so surprised and don't expect me to ever believe that POG inside is not pushing this move even if it is indirectly.  When a small group votes for itself to represent a larger group it rarely remains unbiased.

Okay I am off the soapbox everyone can either get mad or go back to the fun.  Thanks for the freedom of speech deal.

Larry P


I seriously doubt that this is Al who's online.  I spoke with him just last week and mentioned "Are you online, I could send you a picture".  To which he expressed his total lack of enthusiasm for getting a computer, partly because "one thing leads to another and before you know it you've wasted 3 hours in front of the darn thing".

With that mindset you can see why I'm a disbeliever.

Phil Ketchum
Phast Phil
Moderator, Hodaka Owners Group

Doug Wilford

Check out the site, but sit down and take a deep breath before you do.    I know AL pretty well and it left me speachless for a moment.  Belive it :)


Larry, I am not sure that I understand your comment of how this could be hurtful

Larry, I am not sure that I understand your comment that something like Al having an on line Catalog or for that matter anyone is somehow harmful. Not that I disagree with you because I am not sure I even understand but I will take it at face value and say OK after all you have been at this longer than me. I am not mad either and have enjoyed as I am sure that you have the freedom especially on this site of being able to speak our mind on a given subject.
I sure seems easy to me to lose a couple of hours sitting hear reading and responding to what others have said. That can get out of hand I am sure and I for one have to really watch myself because it can consume so much time that I neglect my family etc.
I think that as it stands though this is a good thing, for one I do not have to go looking for His catalog and two this should save him some money because he does not have to send so many out or pay to have them printed. And it is a nice quick referrence.
It is a good thing to see something from someone elses perspecive. Almost everyone in the world was born with two eyes and two ears. The reason is simple we need them both. We need two eyes so that we have depth of field. We need two ears so that we can determine where a sound is coming from. And we need each other so that as we make our way through life we may better and more fully understand where we need to go and what is the right and best path for us to take.
Sorry if this offends anyone who may be reading this. I was not my intention. Getting on the soapbox is like falling off a log for me.
but then what would you expect from a guy in my profession.:D

Thom Green,Still crazy after all these years!
76' 250 MC5 (orginal owner)
78' 400 MC5
Thom Green,Still crazy after all these years!
74\\\' 1/2 440 maico
70\\\' 400 maico (project)
93\\\' RMx 250 suzuki
2004 Suzuki DL1000
1988 Honda Gl 1500
2009 KTM 400 XC-W

Larry Perkins


You asked and I will try to explain.

There is nothing unfair about an online catalog.  The unfairness is in that there is a link that advertises for a business that makes money for a seller that is a benefit for that seller only and puts other sellers at a disadvantage.

Example if you sold mainly NOS parts a website is not much advantage as the supply is limited, ever changing, and not feasible to list parts available because it would take too much time to keep a constant inventory.  

If you have alot of reproduction stuff a website becomes a very helpful selling tool.  This is feasible because you can always get more of the product and inventory is not really an issue.  It becomes very advantageous if, like Al, you control 90% of the reproduced product.  Product that other sellers have not been able to also get wholesale access to.  It helps then in bonus sales of your NOS parts.

Now this is America and anyone can have a website but when it is advertised by an organization to solicite sales and it is owned by an officer of said organization there is a sense of unfairness and conflict of interest in a member that is also a seller of parts.  It comes off even more that way when said officer already has access to members names and addresses and is allowed to sell right beside any displays that the organization he is an officer of sets up.  All this while the other member of the organization that sells parts can't do the same.

Perhaps that nicely explains my comment and helps you understand how my feet have felt in my moccasins.  I hope I have not offended anyone, especially you, but sometimes you have to call a duck a duck.


Thanks Larry, that makes senses now. I quess I did not get it because I have not been around to any of the events were something like that might happen. I have used Al in the past because he has had what I needed and because he is very good about getting it out in a timely fashion. I am finding that Al does not alway have what I need and so I am beginning to use other suppliers, which is fine no one can have it all. I did use other supplier's before I found this group but my experience with them is such that they tend to really ding ya both with the items I bought as well as the  shipping cost. And then to ad insult to injury... they took a very long time to get here. I bought a book and it took three weeks to get here. I bought some shocks that never did work right and it took almost three months and when I said something about it I got nothing but the run around. They promised lots but delivered nothing. I have had this happen twice with two different suppliers,Thus I will not buy anything again from them. Not if I can help it and I don't care if I do have to pay a bit more. I do not need to support those suppliers that are looking to make a fortune off of every thing they sell. By the way I have not tried alot of the other suppliers listed here yet but as the situation appears I may very well give them a call. nor did I find the ones in question listed here.... just so you would know.
If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, fly's like a duck... it must be a duck.

Thom Green,Still crazy after all these years!
76' 250 MC5 (orginal owner)
78' 400 MC5
Thom Green,Still crazy after all these years!
74\\\' 1/2 440 maico
70\\\' 400 maico (project)
93\\\' RMx 250 suzuki
2004 Suzuki DL1000
1988 Honda Gl 1500
2009 KTM 400 XC-W