Steel tanker w/nickeled frame-

Started by clayman, October 03, 2004, 09:01:40 PM

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I am intrigued with/about a steel tanker Penton with a nickeled frame. Did C & J produce a frame to utilize a Sachs motor? A friend of mine, who races a CZ and has little interest in anything but CZs,thankfully sold this bike to me.

  It has a DKW-like pipe (in poor shape), but the frame is nearly identical to a steel taker frame that I have. I suppose someone could have had it nickeled; the frame number is V 66XX, which tells me Penton, although something else is stamped on the frame, which I can't decipher.

  Anyhow, it has great compression and shifts through the gears, but it's missing the upper coil, and I also need a better exhaust pipe and clutch perch/lever, as well as a stock carb. If anyone has any of those parts, I'd love to purchase them, again listed below:

1)stock carb/airbox boot
2)stock "A"model coil/plug wire & cap
3)stock exhaust pipe or down pipe.

Clay Light


  I have seen frames nickle plated by several companies back in the 60 & 70's.  Mostly what I saw was bike used for class C.  I feel that someone probably  plated the frame you have (1971 model).  Sounds like a neat find......congratulations.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh



Thanks, I'm pretty excited about it, although frustration could set in if I can't obtain those parts I need. About a year ago, someone, I believe his name was Rod, emailed me with a pipe he had for sale. It needed some welding, but it was actually quite nice (and I wish now that I would have bought it). The one I had back then, a 1969, had a cool down pipe on it (wish I'd have kept that one, too!)



  One thing.  What type of ignition system does it have?  Al or Donny may have the coil you need.  The carburetor/airbox you need all three or?  I hope you can find a pipe.  Again congrats on a NEAT FIND.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Nice job on finding these rare bikes. Shoot me an email with the items you think you may need. As Ron says, what type of ignition? Motoplat or Bosch Points?
Thank bud!

Donny Smith
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR


Ron & Donny,

I'd have to say it was probably a Bosch ignition, judging by the single wire coming out of the bottom end. The motor ID tag is missing, so I can't tell if it's an "A" or "B" motor, but it has the cutaway fins for the exhaust pipe, so I'm assuming that it's the standard "A" motor.

  I guess that someone either robbed the upper coil, or it went bad. This shouldn't be hard to find, should it? I'd like to get the stock Bing carb for it and whatever boot attaches to the airbox. The airbox is there, but the plastic cover is cracked....Ron had mentioned that he bought one on ebay; a while back Kip said he'd sell me one, but I waited too long, as I normally do.

  Anyhow, thanks guys, for the help! We are fortunate to have guys like Ron, Donny, Doug, Kip, Larry, etc. that can help us out with our needs: we couldn't get that help if we were riding Carabellas or Ammex machinery!

  I think the exhaust will be my biggest setback, huh?

Clay Light

Need:  Upper ignition coil/plug lead & cap; exhaust pipe; good, used Bing carb and airbox boot; era clutch lever and perch.


  Al has the airbox cover in stock so you are ahead of the game on that count.  I would put a separate listing uner wanted on POG for the carburetor and pipe.  Watch ebay and I will try to forward you anything I see listed there or on any other classified.  I would like to see the finished product when you are finished.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Don Roth

I have a used Bing carb that would work, if you find nothing else,
let me know, an older ebay 'find(?)' somehwere in the $30.00 range,
Not new, but functional.



That would be great! Do you also have the mounting clamp? Please email me with your mailing address and I'll send you a money order for the carb, assuming it's the stock 28mm? for that year. Am I correct on the carb size?

Clay Light    [email protected]