Phil Ketchum Zink Report #1

Started by BrianTaylor, October 23, 2004, 08:36:47 AM

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Here is a report by Phil Ketchum at the Zink ranch thought you might enjoy .. BT

Phil here:

Rain came about 3:00pm, and it's rained off and on till 10:00pm.  
Watched Dwight Rudder adjust his shifter case trying to eliminate a
minor problem with 4th gear engaging to no avail.  Dwight didn't
wish to borrow a spare shift case that I brought for this purpose
but it's in the Jeep should he require it later.  He *may* have a
worn shift shaft bushing, and no amount of fiddling will fix that
short of a refurb.

Teddy Landers must have brought 7 KTM's/Penton's with him.  It looks
like a veritable stable of bikes, all runners too!  He and Rosemary
selflessly helped Tech the bikes from 1-6pm and beyond.  Only Fred
Cameron's bike failed and this was because his throttle didn't
return due to an overabundance of Grip-Glue.  Rico came to the
rescue and successfully entered Fred's 2001 TM 100 since Fred got
tied up in some airport delay in Springfield, MO.  Fred said I could
take his 100cc TM out for a spin at a checkpoint tomorrow so that I
can evaluate its performance against my vintage Hodaka 100's that I
used to ride.  This should be FUN!

Pictures from the Vinduro HQ won't be forthcoming from me since my
new laptop, complete withy USB floppy disk, won't recognize my
SmartPath media card.  Documentation on their website said that I'll
have to purchase a USB Media reader.  Oh well, I tried to satisfy
your curiosity during the weekend.  I've brought plenty of digital
film, and several rolls of conventional film.  Unfortunately that
takes time to develop though.

Jeff DeBell received an impromptu *award* for having prepared his
800cc BMW ISDTRR mount in the least amount of time.  I don't think
he even bothered to wash if from its last outing at Dalton in 2003!  
The man must be an ANIMAL to try to ride that behemoth in the dirt.

Others were sabotaging Dave Mungenast's Rokon in Parc Ferme.  Seems
there was some horse droppings nearby and they were stacking it
pretty high on his seat, and in his tool bag!, as a early morning

The BBQ was fantastic, and the 4H kids were out in force, helping
you carry your food to your seat, and waiting to pick it up BEFORE
you were even close to being done.  Seems they figured out we're
SUCKERS for children with IMPECCABLE manners and a cute smile.  They
were working for TIPS!!!!!!  One was overheard to say "This is the
BEST job I've EVER had!!!!!

Plenty of fun, frolicking, and catching up with acquaintences that
we've not seen for over a year, sometimes more.  I can hardly wait
for key time to arrive.  It's been moved from 8:01 to 9:01am to
allow the moisture plenty of time to soak in.

Sorry to hear about Jon's plight, happy to hear about John Heger's
hand, and just plain happy that I'm able to be a part of what Andre
started several years ago.   When you read this be certain to count
your blessings!!!!

It's going to be EPIC!  Wish you all were here riding with us.  


Brian Taylor
Brian Taylor

Rain Man

thanks for the updates Brian, please keep up the postings !!:)

 Down East Pentons
 Down East Pentons