union strike

Started by gooddirt, October 19, 2004, 12:53:31 AM

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What are the details on the Featured Bikes ? Will the construction be finished any time soon ? And how about a spot for race photo's and maybe past and present shots of bikes and or riders! Maybe they can be combined on the Featured Bikes slot. thanks gd[^]


I think that is a very good question. It's been close to two years since it was up and running.

Bill & Karen,
do yo have a status?

Thanks for all the two of you do for this site. A million thank you's is not even enough.

Donny Smith
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR


Thanks gooddirt for a good question.  We will try to answer to the best of our ability with the following statements.  When we took over the website, we acquired all the photos from the Featured Bike section but choose not to use them because they were a "hodge podge" of photos, many out of focus, not a high quality and small in size.  It was then that we decided to just start over and try to collect better images. We have a few but not enough to build a page at this time.

In the meantime, we focused on Whose Who, Penton magazine articles, a comprehensive Production Year Guide (including "Last Five Digit Article" and frame and engine number lists), DVD and Reunion t-shirt offers, numerous photo galleries of Penton events, and an upgrade to the message board. To say the least, we have been quite busy! :D

Speaking of the photo gallery, between Penton Day at AMA, Vintage Days and the ISDT Reunion, we have taken countless images of Penton motorcycles but in most cases don't know who owned them and trying to find their owners would be very very time consuming. When we put together the Whose Who section, all the photos were taken by us.  At the time of webpage release, we asked if anybody had any images to contribute but only a couple people stepped forward to add an image or two.  We never have forgotten about the Featured Bike section but just didn't think we would get member participation.  

Some of the things we are currently working on are publishing the first 6 Still Keeping Track newsletters, publishing early parts manuals, a Frequently Asked Questions section (FAQ), and the most important, a complete section on John Penton with its own navigation button.  And down the road, a new bike registry for the steel tank Penton.

In closing, if there are people who have quality images of Penton motorcylces, please email them to [email protected] and be sure to list size and owners name.  Photos should be taken at the highest resolution your camera has and sent uncompressed.  If you are going to scan your picture, set your scanner for at least 200 dpi and save it at the highest resolution.  JPG's are preferred. Email if you have questions on photo requirements.

When we have enough for a page, we will post it live and get John Penton off his knees!

Bill & Karen

john durrill

Admin ( Bill? Karen?),
 Now when we took that picture of John he was deep in thought ( we think he was trying to decide weather to put the 200 cc Jack Piner he was looking at into production or install the NOS system he had in his hands as a standard option);)
 I was told as a young man, and do believe, a man never stands taller or casts a bigger shadow than when he is on his knees.
 And a big  thank you from myself and my family for all you have done to help POG. You are a blessing folks.
John D and Family


Thank you for the in-depth answer and great web page work. I will try and get some photos sent your way . thank you gd:)