Special Thanks

Started by PJM, June 16, 2001, 09:35:10 AM

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Last week my son, Ryan, and I had an exciting opportunity to visit Amherst, Ohio to bring my Hiro powered Penton to the June Penton Owners Group meeting and I want to share the thank you messages that I sent to Paul Danik, Doug Wilford, and Jack Penton.  I have to say that the POG members and KTM colleagues that we met were a genuine group of people.  If this exemplifies the people that surrounded Mr. Penton, Penton Sports Motorcycles, the various Penton Racing Teams, as I am sure it does, it is no wonder why the Penton name is respected around the world.

Since Mr Penton, John, does not have an e-mail address that I am aware, I want to take this opportunity to thank John for sharing the history behind the Hiro powered Penton, taking part in the picture taking, and for the autographs.  I also want to aknowledge John's ambassadorship through the years which give us, Americans, the Penton name to be proud of.  O.K., he may not always have been an ambassador in good standing according to a couple of the stories John told at the meeting, but at times he had to make his point and be heard.  This was exemplified by his ploy to introduce the 125cc Hiro powered Penton, In 1994/95 he used the Hiro powered Penton to successfully convince KTM to produce a 125 cc KTM engine, and that they did.

Pat Mickevicius



It was a pleasure to meet you (in-person) and Chad last week in Amherst.  I want to extend a special Thank You to you for taking the interest to respond to my initial POG message and for coordinating my visit to Amherst and the tour of the KTM Headquarters.  This was a special day for Ryan and me, as well as for those POG members in attendance at the meeting.  What a genuine group of gentlemen.

On our ride home I asked Ryan what was his favorite part of the day.  He paused in silence, which caused me to immediately think, "O.K., that was one of those Dad questions that he was not interested in answering at 10:30 p.m. when he was dead tired."  But he was thinking about the entire day and came back and said "everything Dad," which stimulated a discussion of the days events.

Of note, do you remember how quickly Ryan put on the KTM T-shirt from Jack Penton when we got back to the parking lot?  Well, guess what he wore to school the next day.  My wife told me he scurried around in the morning washing a couple of dirt spots off the T-shirt so he could wear it to school.  He told me his tacher asked him if he learned anything on his trip and Ryan replied, "Yes, alot of history!" Indeed, there was.

Truely, this was a memorable day.  Ryan and I both thank you for presenting us with the John Penton books in appreciation for us coming down to the meeting to share my bike.  It was also special to have them autographed by Mr. Penton. Thank you again, for taking the time out of your business day to come up to Amherst early and spend time sharing the Penton history.

Well, to your special reminder at the meeting regarding my obligation now to show my bike at Mid-Ohio and share the Penton history...I will be there on Friday and Saturday.  Is there room for a Hiro powered Penton?

Kindest regards,

P.S. I plan to post this on POG, but I wanted to send it to you personally, before I did.

Pat Mickevicius



It was a pleasure to meet you last week and to have you spend time with Ryan and me to share the Penton history.  This was great.  Thank you for arranging the tour of the KTM Headquarters and taking time from your day to be part of this memorable day for us.

I appreciate you bringing along your digital camera and taking pictures to share on the POG web page for those not in attendance.  See you at Mid-Ohio.

Kindest regards,


P.S. I plan to post this on the POG Messageboard, but I wanted to send it to you personally first.

Pat Mickevicius



On Behalf of Ryan and me, let me express a special Thank You for taking the time out of your busy day last week to give Chad, Paul, Doug, Ryan, and me a tour of the KTM Headquarters.  It was great to learn the history, see the facility and the historical "Penton Machine Shop."

Also, Thank you for the KTM T-shirt that you gave to Ryan, that was very special to him.  I don't know if you noticed this, but he could not wait to put it on.  When he asked me for the keys while you and I were talking, he went to the car to don his new apparel.  Guess what he wore to school the next day..you got it.  My wife told me he rushed around the next morning to clean off a couple of smudges so he could wear it to school.  Hmmmm, I am not certain, but my wife might be taking the saying from the T-shirt, "No more toys, I'm a KTM kid," seriously.  Yesterday, she showed me a classified in our local newspaper for a mini KTM.  Well, I know it won't fit me.

I plan to bring my bike down to Mid-Ohio on Friday and Saturday and hope to see you there.

Thank you again and kindest regards,

Pat Mickevixius

P.S. I plan to post this on the POG Messageboard, but I wanted to send it to you personally first.

Pat Mickevicius