National Anthem

Started by Mick Milakovic, January 05, 2005, 11:11:53 AM

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Mick Milakovic

I was at a high school wrestling match last night, and as usual, the national anthem was played before competition began.  It made me think about vintage racing (as most everything does!), and the question rose as to why don't we play the anthem before our races?  It would only take 3 minutes and wouldn't be hard to do.  We could have the riders meeting, pause for 3 minutes at the end while playing the anthem, then break out to the practice sessions.  Considering the rising rate of patriotrism, supporting our troops overseas, and a general feeling of "character building", I think it would be worth doing!  What do you all think?


don howard

Hi Mick.   I for one think it,s a very good idea. It used to calm me down little before a race or event. To say we need to show the troops overseas our patriotrism is a fine show of support. Right on Mick        Don Howard


hi mick, i agree and was wondering the same a couple of months back. when you go to a nat'l gncc race or a mx they always do. some of the regular local races do as well. i hope to see it played at the very least any nat'l ahrma race.
chicago jerry

Dennis Jones

I'm with you mick. I bet if we just ask the promoter at the track we can get it done. Maybe carry our own CD

Dennis Jones
Dennis Jones

Gavin Housh

Mike, At one of our race tracks out here in the west they fly old glory, play the national anthem, and say a prayer. And everybody thought we were to liberal out here[8D]. The only drawback to the place is that it's right next to sewage treatment ponds. That's the only place left in Califonia where we are left alone and can have a track without pissing somone off. G man. p.s. if the guy in front of you is running castor it's a lot sweeter smelling[xx(].

Gavin Housh

Sory Mick, I called you Mike. G man.