POG Family Night

Started by Paul Danik, November 28, 2004, 05:26:08 PM

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Paul Danik

On Thursday Dec. 2nd the POG will host it's annual Family Night meeting.  The location is the usual spot, KTM's meeting room at the KTM facility in Amherst, Ohio, at 7pm. Pizza and soft drinks will be supplied and usually a few of the gals bring some sort of deserts, nobody goes home hungry.  We will have an abbreviated meeting and some great socializing.  Mrs. Leimbach will once again entertain the troops with some interesting stories, rumor has it that some other POG talent will also be displayed:D  This is a great way to meet some of the gang and enjoy some wonderful fellowship, wives, girlfriends, kids,cousins ect are all welcome. As always you don't have to be a POG member to attend and we hope to see you there. If you have an item that you want Mr. Penton to sign this is usually a great place to have it done.
Paul Danik

PS  While I am at it I would like to publicly thank KTM for their wonderful hospitality. On meeting nights they pretty much give us free reign of their meeting room, lunch area and their AV equipment.  When KTM added the meeting room to the existing building they even put in a seperate walk and entrance.   Rod Bush and Jack Penton along with the entire group at KTM have always gone out of their way for the POG.  So next time you are looking at a modern bike keep in mind how much KTM has helped us out.
THANKS KTM!!!!!!!!!!


If you like pizza and sweets, don't be late for tonite's family night POG meeting.  If you get there at 7pm sharp, we might even let you choose what you want on your pizza. :)
