Steering Head ball bearings

Started by dirtymartini, December 31, 2004, 03:06:00 PM

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Does anyone know where I can get the steering head ball bearings ?
I seem to have come up short now that's time to re-assemble!

Steve Minor

Try your local bicycle shop...I've bought them there in the past.
Steve Minor

Doug Wilford

1/4 inch ball bearings will work.


Ok, thanks. I figured if I found something close it would be ok. Thought I kept up with all of them, but some must have got away!

Rain Man

while where on the subject of bearings, I change  a lot of bearings almost daily, price range from 3200 bucks down to 6 bucks, in every conceivable environment, I install them.
  Only 1 thing that really disturbs me, seeing I'm the one replacing them, and not buying them.  
  Consumers and Industry alike will buy cheap bearings, and lo and behold, The Hungarians had the cheapest ones for years, but not any more.  Now the Chinese are taking over !!
  I guess my point being, I'll always be able to work, providing the wheels will keep turning. I wish I could show you the contact surface with a comparator, just to see what the differences are!! Astonishing to say the least!!!
 Its a 7mm ball bearing and your favorite auto parts store can order them
Happy New Year Penton Rejuvinators !!

 Down East Pentons
 Down East Pentons


Thanks for the info, I guess I shouldn't worry too much about the exact size of the ball bearings considering the races aren't exactly perfect, I guess you would call it brinneling?


Whooah Raymond
My book (1975, 175/250/400)says 1/4", that's 6.35mm. Are they different for other years/models?


'75 KTM GS175
'75 KTM GS250
'75 KTM GS400


Rain Man

You guys are absolutely right, I stand corrected, it is a 6.35mm or a 1/4" ball bearing and the manuals list them as such.(chromoly Frames) the bearing race 9937051 and 9937052 are almost unobtainable too.  Looks like my Piners coming apart to install the 1/4" jobbies tomorrow.
  I will take both the 1/4" and 7 mm ball bearing and race into work and put them on the comparator and see how the fit is.  I know my bearing races are all beat to smitherines in the middle of the race, which would indicate the wrong size ball.  hhmm stay tuned

 Down East Pentons
 Down East Pentons