A New Pole?

Started by DKWRACER, January 25, 2005, 07:17:40 PM

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So just how much time do you really spend with your Pentons? Does a day go bye that you do not think about it, waiting for the w/e to spend some quality time.
The recent flury of posts can only convince me of one thing, Keepers of the Pentons, we are...I know where I will be this w/e, either working on them or out riding...Daily, I think about my Pentons, do you?...Adios
Thomas Brosius

Big Mac

Aha..... you mean "a new POLL". I followed your thread here thinking maybe POG had a new member riding a Six Day in the hills of Poland.

Ha, just kidding Tom. I know those fiberglass resin fumes are strong, so forgive you for your spelling.... ;)  Jon McLean
Jon McLean
Lake Grove, OR


Forgive Me Father for I have sinned. Jon I find your return post both humorous and very telling. Sorry for the typo! And hear I am with U-soft certification, need I mention spellcheck?, Fiberglass fumes running wild effecting my brain? Nah!!!!!!In fact today I'm still busy working on a new mold for LH 73/74 panel, have sold so many it's worn out!
To quote one of our friends "Still crazy after all these years, I have Penton Parts in my kitchen cabinets"
OK I admit it, more than 1 hr per week

How are things with you?:D
Thomas Brosius

Big Mac

Tom, things are well! Thanks for asking. I have 4 kids involved in 6 different sports, started a new job recently, just got back from a week in Miami, and just got a final sign-off on new house that was built. Still...nothing gets the blood pumping like having a Penton project in the works and the "work" in the garage fixing, dismantling, tricking or restoring seems to be the only thing that keeps me motivated and interested. Not sure why, but I start getting jittery when projects are all complete and nothing beckons.

So...since I last saw you in Tulsa: Pulled the '76 250 motor out of the '73 HS which served me well there, split the cases and put a '77 tranny into the original '73 motor, swapped it back into the '73 bike from whence it originally came, setting the '76 motor aside for later while I dismantled a rough '77 GS250 I came into for $100, which now rests in a well organized pile of parts. I ran into a garage-sale bargain bead blaster cabinet last weekend which will accommodate all but the frame, and just ordered all wheel and swingarm bearings. Blast, sand, scrub, prime, paint, reassemble, refinish and ride...ahhh, something to look forward to for the next 3-4 months or so.

I'd say a minimum of 15-20 minutes a day in a foggy Penton haze, not counting internet time finding parts or actual wrenching.[^] Keep in touch. Mac
Jon McLean
Lake Grove, OR