New POG Member

Started by Randy Kirkbride, February 07, 2005, 08:39:27 AM

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Randy Kirkbride

In December, I purchased a POG membership for my son Robert. I thought I'd give it to him for a Christmas present. He called me yesterday to tell me he had just landed at Camp Atterbury, Indiana, on his return flight from his 12 month stay in Iraq, with the Army's 660th. He should be back home within the week. When he returns, I'll give him his membership. He'll be going to some of the CC races with me this year. He's really interested in Pentons and he's looking forward to seeing some good races. Thanks to all you guys for keeping him in your thoughts while he's been gone. I know you'll make him feel welcome in POG. He'll really be surprised when I give him his membership packet. Now that he's back in the states, I can take a long deep breath.


  As you know Robert has been in many of our Prayers and thoughts over the last year.  It will be a honor to meet him and I hope (if Diamond Don lets me through the gate)to see you both in Texas on my Birthday.  Also check with Lew, you birthday gift should be in later this week and thanks for all the birthday gifts you have made or have given me and others over the years.

For New Members:  Randy is responsible for making and reproducing sooo many decals/stickers to make our Pentons look original.  Our Penton Owners Group would not be what it is today without the deligance of Randy and others in this Group.  Thanks Randy and a late congratulations on being a GrandFather.  Oh least do I forget the Best Christmas of all times.  Thanks Big Guy.
Your Friend and Fellow 100 Berkshire Owner.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Dennis Jones

That's great news Randy. I'm happy for you that your son is home.

Dennis Jones
Dennis Jones


Thank You Randy for the sacrifice that you and your family has made for us ! I am glad that Robert has made it home safe and sound !!    

Thomas Carmichael
Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler

Tony Price


As a combat veteran with a soon to be 19 yr old son I can only imagine what that place is like that fear and concern can lead you to when your son is in harm's way.  

It is with sincere joy and gratitude that I welcome not only your son home, but I also welcome your family's relief and joy at his return.

Thank You,


Lew Mayer

Great to hear Robert's back in the States, Randy. Big sigh of relief.
Guess I'll have to set up my big cot outside the trailer now.
I don't know what Ron's talkin' about.:D[}:)]
Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer

Dave Withrow

    I'd like to join the rest of the gang in welcoming your son home.  Thank him, for me, for standing the wall so my family can sleep in peace.  God bless.

Kip Kern

Randy  Two NOS "77" Tenth Anniversary decals are headed your way.  I'll take two sets when they are completed.  Thanks  If you need anymore decals, contact me!

Randy Kirkbride

Thanks everyone for your thoughts.

We'll get busy on them when they get here.  Thanks