POG Meeting, AMA Museum

Started by Kip Kern, February 05, 2005, 07:49:58 PM

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Kip Kern

Just returned from the best POG annual meeting ever!  Thanks to the POG staff, special guest speakers Ed, Dane and Rod, Al for the pizza, Mark M. for the cool meeting area in the museum.  Can't wait to see the finished product in the "History of MX" display sometime in March.  Wow, the outside Jackpiner display was great, I forgot to count the number of bikes:(, The weather was fantastic and last but not least, Toni and Gary getting married at the museum, too cool!  We sure are a lucky bunch![^]  Also, congrats to Al Born for 50 years at Ford Motor Company, I wonder if he had anything to do with the Model "T";)

Don Roth

I second that statement, superior time.  Always appreciate putting names and faces together , thanks for the great day, POG!

Randy Kirkbride

Yep, I had a great time, too.  I counted close to 30 Jackpiners. It really looked neat, seeing all them lined up together. Many thanks to POG & AMA.


Here are some images from Gary Roach and Toni Proffer's wedding.  In attendance were Toni's mother and father (Ted & Grace), JP and their POG family.  Gary and Toni came in first again for being the first couple to be married at the Motorcycle Hall of Fame Museum.  It seems you can't beat these Penton riders! :D

Lew Mayer

Great time! Always good to put a few more faces with names. Although the night before I thought I was at a Loggers Convention with all the sawing of logs I heard. Thanks for the hospitality,Randy!
Dane,if it hasn't been done before,that talk you gave on motoplats would make a great article for "Still Keeping Track". Lots of good information there to remember and I should have taken notes.
Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer


Had an awesome time at my first POG meeting!

It was great hearing some of the stories, especially the talk given by Dane Leimbach. The Berkshire ISDT DVD was fascinating to watch (great wheelie by Jack Penton!), and the accompanying program guide was like taking a trail ride on a time machine.

Here's a link to a bunch of pictures I took, although they don't really do some of the bikes justice. They looked spectacular under the bright sun that was shining that day. If anyone wants any of the high-resolution originals, please let me know.

And we'll be heading back down to the museum once the MX America display is complete... it'd be well worth the trip!

- Bill Smith (#2)


Great job #2.  Wonderful for those of us not able to attend.  Thanks.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Kip Kern

Excellent pictures # 2, I brought #16 of 50, and decided to do the opposite of a pretty bike and bring a dirty one!  Wow did I have fun at Tulsa[8D]

Lew Mayer

When do the jackets go on sale and who's selling them. I have a suggestion for them.

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer


I think Kip about summed the meeting/wedding up.  It was a very special day!  Rumor has it Gigi and I ran a close race for who cried the most during the wedding[:I].

Don, Bill, and Bill 2,  Those are all great photos.  Thanks for sharing them.

Kent Knudson
Kevin Brown
Gary & Toni Roach
James & Adam Giddings


We are in the progress of building a web page to sell the jackets on this website.

If you have any suggestions, please email them to [email protected].


Paul Danik

A big THANKS to Tommy Garrett and his wife for once again hosting the group to a  delicious dinner after the meeting. The Garrett's had champagne on hand for a toast to the new MR. and Mrs. Gary Roach along with a cake to help celebrate the occasion. It takes a special type of person to stand up at a meeting with an overwhelming attendance and invite EVERYONE to their house for dinner afterwards. There was some laughter when Tommy made the invite as some thought he was kidding!! We also had entertainment by Speedy at dinner, lots of food, laughter and stories.
Thanks again Tommy!!:)

     This years raffle at the meeting had a lot of donated items and all were appreciated. I need to mention one item that Dane brought, it was a "one of a kind" item that no other collector will find anywhere on earth.  It was THE metal wastebasket from Matt Weisman's office, complete with a greatly enlarged Penton checkered flag decal, really neat.

   Thanks to all who helped with the event.

swamp fox

My congratulations go out to Tony & Gary. The picture of the receiving line of Jackpiners looked really cool, along with the cake.

Robert Manucy
72 Berkshire
72 Six Day
Robert Manucy
72 Berkshire
72 Six Day
82 Honda cr250r
04 BMW K 1200 GT - KIA in N. Ga. - 32987 smiles
08 BMW K 1200 S
17 Ktm 300 Six Day (50th Aniversary) ;)

Dennis Jones

That wastebasket now carries an autograph of JP himself. I bet that is a first.On the drive back to Missouri Phil said (My wife is never going to believe I won a trash can for a door prize and got John Penton to put down his wedding cake to autograph it) Truth is strainger than fiction.

Dennis Jones
Dennis Jones