Photos of Old Jackpine

Started by scott brogan, March 08, 2005, 05:51:54 PM

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scott brogan

Hey Guys need a little help. Looking for some photos of the Jackpine of old. Putting together ideas for artwork and other things for display at upcoming events for our P.O.G. "2005 Year of the Jackpiner"
Looking for shots of Penton riders or maybe of Mr. Penton at Jackpine. Really looking for a shot of the sign over the start line or with the sign in the back ground Any one who can help please E-mail at [email protected]  Thanks  Scott



Believe it or not, I have a picture of me on my steel tank six day under the sign. I will try to get it to you.



Teddy I thought you told me you are only 35 years old?;)

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

scott brogan

Thanks Teddy All help is welcome.[8D]


I raced the Jack Pine twice in my life. The first time was in 1971 on my 1971 steel tanker Six Day. I put the bike in a barn in 1972 and didn't ride it or anything else until the year 2000. The second time was in 2000 when I took the bike out of the barn and rode the Jack Pine on the same 1971 Six Day. I finished in 1971. I only went 12 miles in 2000 because the rear shocks locked up in the collapsed position!!! They just don't make shocks that last!!!! On Saturday night before the race, when Rosemary went to put the new route sheet into the route sheet holder, she had to take out the old one that was in there. We were blown away when we took it out, it was the route sheet from the 1971 Jack Pine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rosemary was with me in 1971, two years before we got married. Ah the memories!!!!




Even 53 would be better than what I am!!!! Are you coming to the ISDTVQ?


Did you get the picture? Can you use it? If you can, I can get a higher resolution version of it to you. My photo program reduced it to an 80K file from a couple of megs.



  Those types of events only make me want to ride.  I hope you are feeling better as you have been in my Prayers.  Say HI to your Bride.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

scott brogan

Teddy Great shot I should be able to use it somwhere this year. I'll let you know if I need a better version. Thaks Again
