THANKS to a fellow pogger

Started by penton117, July 10, 2001, 07:24:15 PM

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Hi Guys,
I know we all go to great lengths to get the word out when someone in the motorcycle community does us wrong, but praise is not often enough given when it is deserved - so here goes. I was recently trying to get my 125 Penton done for a show when I realized I had no gas cap for it. One note on this board brought help in the name of DON ROTH. Now, this guy wouldn't know me from Adam, but he sent me a note asking for my address so he could mail one out right away. No "I have to wait for the check to clear" or "cash only" nothing like that. Just sent it to me and said "send me a check after you get the cap" How cool is that? So if any one has cause to deal with Mr. Roth, fear not, he is one stand-up guy. I have had similar transactions with motorcycle folks that also helped to restore my faith in mankind, this was just the most recent and I thought it time these saints get recognized. Too bad there isn't a section on this site to list some of our good samaritans. I get the feeling the list would get pretty long pretty fast . . .