Alligator Enduro

Started by Dave Stype, February 19, 2006, 10:26:45 PM

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Dave Stype

Hi all. My cousin and I have entered both of our our six days in the vintage class of the Alligator Enduro. Was wondering if any other POG members will be running it. I've been a POG member for eight months or so, but this is my first post. I do manage to read most of the posts every day, and want to thank everyone for all of the great info that we get from this site.
Dave Stype

Dave Stype
Dave Stype


Dave,I would love to ride the enduro but duty calls.Have a great time and do good for the poggers!!!

Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler
Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler

Paul Danik


     Welcome to the group, you will find the gang to be friendly and helpful.  

     Are you the same Dave Stype who used to ride enduros with Ron Bohn and the gang out of the Pittsburgh area?


Dave Stype

Paul   Thanks for the welcome reply. Ya, I'm originally from Pittsburgh. I'm not sure you can say I rode with Ron Bohn and that crew though. We rode in the same events, but they always won, and I was usually back in the pack somewhere. HA HA.    They would occasionally come over with the Pentons to ride the strip mines and power lines near our house. We would tag along whenever we could.  I bought my first new motorcycle from Ron back in 1969.   Dave

Dave Stype
Dave Stype

Paul Danik


   I think I was with your riding partner and cousin last evevning, Conrad. I live in Mars and he is just a few miles north in Zielinople, he has done a fine job of getting his bike prepped for the Alligator. He is going to the Penton Owners Group meeting tomorrow night with me and my neighbor Brett, I am looking forward to his compamny, he is a pretty neat guy.

   Do you know Jack Toole and Phil Patterson?  Jack had a body shop just off of route 51 and he and Phil are the guys who took me to my first enduro.


Dave Stype

Paul  That's him.  I talked to him this evening, and know that he is looking forward to going to the meeting with you tomorrow.  

This will be his first enduro, and he's real excited.  I havent entered one in over 30 years. The last one that I rode was the Musox Winter Enduro in 1972 put on by the O.V. Dirt Riders. So I'm just planning on taking it easy and trying to stay out of everyone's way.

I don't know Jack or Phil. I used to ride with a bunch of guys from the Crafton/Ingram area. Bill Clark was one of them. Thay called him Hot Dog. They were all much older than I was. I'm not sure why the drug me along with them, but I'm glad that they did. They were great times for me.

Looking forward to seeing you and all of the POG members at Mid Ohio in July

Dave Stype
Dave Stype