250 Motor Questions

Started by VICTOR MONZ, January 02, 2006, 03:20:23 PM

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I'm executing another post so I can catch up to L. Good.!!!  Oh, by the way Larry, I did get a nice wet New Years Kiss from Barbara...probably won't share any with you, she says hello and Happy New Year.

Wolfman, you seem on the ball on this one...I do have this 75 250 with the low breather like the 72's 125/100s.  The motor has a Lectron 38 and I want to put on the 36 Bing I have for it...I am a sicky, I like Bings, I think I can just change the intake manifold which bolts to the cylinder.

Anyway the frame, once I capture the motor, forks and wheels will be available.  It is a "rare" find, if there is any interest let me know.
I also have another 74 250 frame looking for a home.

Happy New Year to all....Victor Monz

[email protected]

Lew Mayer

Glad to see you're back Victor. Great shot of you in the calendar.

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer


Vic don't throw frame away!If you're not going to restore it i'll buy it or trade parts or frames?That bike could have came from northern california I bet and if Russ Powells still out there he could probaly tell you whos old bike that could have been? As he sold the KTM/KTMS during and after the transition period.That bike could have been a famous riders bike,in the Qualifyers or the desert?It looked like it had been well set up by someone who knew what was going on!I'd try finding out some history before parting?I'd fixed  the thing up and just rode it?I have  the stuff you would need to restore it?Or could trade another 250 for it?The airbox is also different?Wolfee Bob let me know?;)