Great News

Started by Paul Danik, December 06, 2005, 12:08:03 PM

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Paul Danik

I just recieved word that POG member Art Busick of Amherst, Ohio underwent triple bypass surgery yesterday and is doing well.  Art is quite a character and is also quick to lend a hand to the group whenever help is needed.  Hopefully he will mend quick and soon be back in the saddle.


  Any place we can send a get well card?  Thanks for the update..he is a real great person to be around.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Doug Wilford

Send your cards to Art Busick  174 Edgewood Dr.  Amherst, OH 44001  
I was planning to make a visit with him today, but he is still in the Intensive Care Unit.   He is progressing well I have been told.

Young Ted

If Art knew this was coming, he didn't let on at the meeting. As far as I know he seemed normal, if in fact he is. He has to come back or our Reunion Ride Team will be short.

Young Ted

Paul Danik

  Actually I was surprised to see Art at the meeting as his surgery was to have been done on Friday morning, but was delayed till Monday. I expect we will get an update on Art shortly as I just called the Wilford estate and his warden says he just left to visit Art.

     Speaking of the meeting it sure was great to see Lynn Camp when she came in.

rob w

Thanks Paul, That is great news that Art's doing good. Get well-er very soon Art.
The first time I met Art was on the trail, I was lost and about 12 miles off route at the '03 Reunion in Mass.
I first thing I said to him was, "what do those signs with a W mean"? :D
Well, it was sort of the blind leading the blind because he missed the arrow as well. Only he was a heck of a lot less blind than I was, he led me back, set me straight and I'll never forget our first meeting.
I'll follow Art anyday, I really like riding with him, and he has a way of livening up and creating more fun where ever he goes.
Get well soon

Bob W


Art is a character and everybody that knows him, would probably testify to that. He's known that he was going to have to have something done, for some time, but when he grilled the doctor about all of the details, he also asked him about the negative possibilities as well, and that's what kept him from jumping right into having the procedure done. He also didn't want to screw up his busy part of the year, you know, trail riding, street riding, etc. Of course, the doctor wasn't too happy about him doing those type of actitvities, but as I said, Art knew all the ups and downs, and he chose to wait until it got too cold outside to do anything, before he decided to jump into the medical things.

One other thing that most of you may not know, is that on his last trail ride this fall, Art managed to do the same thing to his right shoulder, that I did to my left one, and once he's recouped from the heart thing, he's going to have his shoulder worked on too.



my wife and i went to see Art last thursday, he looks good and felt good also. he was scheduled for release that afternoon. talk about pushing luck, he went deer hunting just previous. his [our] sergeon was not happy about that. Art asked,' what do you do for enjoyment?'. "Oh i snow ski'',Dr. sam replyed. Art answered,'well they fall down ,break bones and meet up with some trees too'. Dr. Sam just kinda chuckled. will have to get another update tomorrow.      LONG LIVE POGGERS!



I called Art yesterday and he sounded GREAT.  He was his old self telling all the fun things about races he has been to over the years.
It looks like he will be riding as soon as he now gets his shoulder repaired.  He said to thank all for the calls and get well cards.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh