Got an idea

Started by cubfan1968, January 15, 2006, 08:32:16 AM

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What if we gathered some of the top mechanics all in one place over a winter weekend to give seminars on how to care for your Penton. This would be a hands on type deal where you could ask questions and see for yourself how things are done correctly. We could have a menu of different seminars during the day, like installing a new ignition system or adjusting the tranny or splitting the cases. You know things like that. And the bench racing afterwards would be fantastic.

Fisherman have been doing this for years thru Bassmaster. I've gone to them, it was alot of fun and you learned quite abit.

Just a thought, what does the membership think?

Rod Whitman
1972 Six Day (Rider)
1972 Six Day (Project)
Rod Whitman
Omaha, Nebraska
1972 Six Day (Rider)
1972 Six Day (Project)

Randy Kirkbride

Hey Rod,
The AMA - POG meeting on Saturday, February 4th, is a great place to start.  It's always a great time and there's always a great seminar put on by one of our Masters. Besides, it's the middle of winter in Ohio.



That is an inspired idea.  I'd definitely be interested (as a "student", of course [?]

Larry Seale
I choose to ride
Larry Seale
I choose to ride...slower and slower all the time

Doug Wilford

As Randy mentioned  POG usually has a few seminars lined up for the Groups annual "Penton Day at the AMA!"    This year we will be putting some Penton History on video, by recording a round table discussion with some of the ground floor Penton Imports employees, riders and Dealers.    If POG was as big as Bassmaster POG could afford to have seminars around the country.   Sorry to say, that most of the people I know that are qualified to put on such a "Service School" or Seminar are retired and time moves really fast when there are only 52 week-ends in a year.   See Pauls Post for the names of some of the round table people.


Doug, just thinking out loud, what if we had this at KTM HQ or someplace with garage facilities. Brought in experts at their craft for a fee and charged like $100 a head for a weekend of schooling. The guys doing the schooling would be there for only about 4 hours each and get paid for their knowledge.

It's really great seeing the bikes and hearing the stories. I would like to learn how to do it.

Again, I think this would be a good deal. I would fly to Ohio from Nebraska for something like this but it would take alot more than just me. We would probably need about 50 - 100 guys to make this work.

Rod Whitman
1972 Six Day (Rider)
1972 Six Day (Project)
Rod Whitman
Omaha, Nebraska
1972 Six Day (Rider)
1972 Six Day (Project)

Paul Danik

Rod, Doug and others,

   Maybe for next years Penton Day at the AMA we can get some seminars scheduled on some popular topics as suggested by Rod. I think now is a great time to start planning the "07" Penton Day event, keep those ideas coming.
   Besure to attend this years event as the Penton Pioneers attending are a wealth of knowledge and when you get them together it is like a big family reunion with interesting stories and lots of fun all mixed together.

   Thanks for the ideas.


I am in favor of some tech training, most industries do it all the time.

However, I would suggest a place like Palm Spring, CA or SanDiego, CA, I've heard the tech seminars go really well out here.

Even Ohio might work for me this will give me an excuse to attend my 30 year Lorain High School Reunion.

Recovering nicely,

Victor Monz


What a great idea Rod!!!!  Much easier to keep interest/attract new enthusiasts if people can learn how from the experts.  I guess the hard part is making it happen -- especially since the volunteers have their hands full.

I guess making it part of the Annual Meeting would at least not greatly increase the work that is going to be done anyway.  In addition, it will be easier for some of the elders to attend and give of their knowledge...... and, in theory, the cost of the seminar could cover the airfare to get some of our experts and their projects there. (we could bring sun lamps and a poker table for those who would have rather given their travel dollars to Vegas.)

Having given a few seminars, I know there is a huge amount of work involved (granted I am a little slower than many).  So it would probably take until next year's POG annual meeting to plan the projects and have all of the spare parts available, etc.

In addition ........ the seminars could be taped and sold as a way to raise some revenue for Penton Future Projects, etc.  It probably makes some POG folks uncomfortable to charge members for information ----- but I would argue that - in some cases - it is worth charging/paying some money in order to put together something special and be able to preserve it for future generations.

Paul Danik

Part of the thinking of having the special Feb. POG meeting was to emulate what Penton did "back in the day" with their dealer schools. I have really fond memories of attending those schools and getting my winter "Penton fix". One mental picture that I will never forget was arriving in Lorain the night before the school began and stopping by the Penton R & D  building, Jack Penton was busy lifting the metal grates off of the floor drains inside the building and cleaning the sludge out of the drain pits. I realized then just how down to earth and real these guys were. Just ask one of the "heros" of today to clean the floor drains and see what happens!  

  Lynn, it sounds like you might be hoping to win back your travel expenses at the tables:D  

   How about all of you other POGGERS, are you up for some "hands on" topics for next years Penton Day meeting?



Paul, floor drains @ Lorain? 07, let me know...LT
Thomas Brosius


  I talked with Kip about this awhile ago but, the venue we were discussing was Mid-Ohio at the POG tent.  Would that just be too much uncontrolled madness?  I mean, what if the Husky guys showed up?  I wouldn't want to be responsible for a brawl with a bunch of vintage madmen.  :D

  Mike H.
  [email protected]

Lew Mayer

Just my take, but there seems to be too much to do at Mid-Ohio now. I can't get to everything I want to do. Mid-O needs to be a week![:p]

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer


I really like the idea of tying into the POG meeting in February. Mid Ohio would be a mad house. We need a class room setting where you have the atmosphere to ask good questions and learn.

Rod Whitman
1972 Six Day (Rider)
1972 Six Day (Project)
Rod Whitman
Omaha, Nebraska
1972 Six Day (Rider)
1972 Six Day (Project)