Swingarm Hardware

Started by Chrisbo, February 01, 2006, 08:55:48 AM

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Big Mac

John D. is right on the money...IF you can get the needle-bearing outside race out with the press or big hammer method, you're home free. I've never been able to free it up that way myself, and have a really big hammer in my toolbox.

After trying everything else, the only method that's worked has been the "cut and collapse" method. After knocking out the inner race and pins, I've used a hardened/carbide cutting bit (looks like a cone-shaped rasp)in the old drill to cut the channel down the wall of the race at least 2/3 the way, then pounded in an old screwdriver between the race and swingarm wall until it can be broken/driven out. That hardened race will shatter and pieces will fly, so do yourself a favor and wear safety glasses for sure.

You can't help but cut a trough in the swingarm wall as you grind through the thin wall of the race, so go light and careful and stay off the O-ring outer area. Won't hurt anything in the bearing area, as the new bearing has an outside race with plenty of wall to grip, but always hate to inflict permanent scars. I do my cutting on the "up" side of swingarm, on the theory that a potential trough on the high side won't end up an oil leak by-pass by mistake.

Definitely 30w oil or lighter, doesn't take much to gum the needles in the bearing. The O-rings will hold it. Same O-ring setup as on your shift lever which does a decent job of keeping the tranny fluid inside.

HK 2030 bearings, most all bearing shops have them. Mac
Jon McLean
Lake Grove, OR