Thank you POG members

Started by conrad2, March 03, 2006, 09:18:47 AM

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I would like to thank all the members of POG that were at the meeting on March 1st. The hospitality and warm welcome were greatly appreciated. I felt comfortable and honored to be a part of the meeting.
Although I am a long time rider I am a relatively new afficianado of Penton motorcycles, after meeting all of you I have a whole new outlook on what makes Penton USA what it is. It isn't just motorcyles, it is an attitude, enthusiasm and love of the sport.
I would especially like to thank Paul Danik who took the time to come to my house and help me set up my Six Days for the Gator Enduro next week, drive me to Amherst for a "two bit" tour of Pentonville and introduce me to Mr. Penton, Jack Penton, and the rest of the group.
Thank you again and I plan to be an active part of POG in years to come.

Conrad Pfeifer
of Mars PA, Home of The Paul Danik Presidential Library

Paul Danik


     Being as you and your cousin Dave are going to represent the Penton Marque at the Alligator Enduro on your 1972 Six-Day Pentons, it was the least we could do. Conrad's cousin Dave lives in Florida and was quite envious of the fact that Conrad was going to meet John Penton last evening. As the meeting drew to a close Jack Penton asked Conrad for his cell phone and he called Dave in Florida just to wish him luck.  When Jack told Dave who he was Dave did not believe him at first, then Jack put his dad on the phone to talk to Dave.  Pretty neat!!!

     For those who have an interest in the Penton history, it was 38 years ago when the first "Team Penton" loaded up their machines in Amherst and made the trek south to try out the "new" Penton.  It was neat last night at the POG meeting to discuss that trip and have two members of that original team sitting with us in the likes of John Penton and Al Born.

     Good luck Conrad and Dave, hopefully Judy and I will catch up with you guys at the Motorcycle Hall of Fame breakfast in Deland.

Dave Stype

Paul. I gotta tell you that when I answered the phone last night, and the voice on the other end said that it was Jack Penton, my first thought was that you guys were playing a cruel joke. It took a few seconds to realize that it really was him on the phone.    
 Thanks Jack.     That was too cool.    I had a short conversation with John about his 1958 trip to the Aligator enduro, where he rode his bike to the Stone Mountain enduro and won, then rode to Daytona and won the Alligator, and then rode home. How incredable is that? Anyhow, Thanks again for all of your help. Looking forward to meeting you in person in Florida next week.  Dave

Dave Stype
Dave Stype