Wanted: Marzocchi Rear Shock Bushings

Started by Chakka, February 23, 2006, 08:57:12 PM

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I am looking for 2 shock bushings for Marzocchi shocks with a 10mm mounting bolt.



Chris, this may help as I had blown/worn out bushings in two sets I refurbed. If you have the inner ferrule, then you can fashion the rubberpart. First, I ground out all the old rubber with an air powered dye gringer, try to get as much of the rubber out as this will ease the install of the new rubber bushing. I found some radiator/heating hose at local auto supplier that had the correct inner and outer dia.. Then cut the hose to the width of the eye.....heavily grease the ferrule and insert it into the new rubber bushing about 1/4 inch...then grease the outer portion and the inside of the eye. Insert the whole shee-bang into a vise and squeeze everything together, it won't look pretty, but after I ground down both sides on the edge of a bench grinder, the edges came out pretty clean. Adios Pal! Tom Brosius
Thomas Brosius


Thanks for the tip Tom, I will give it a try.