Penton Poster

Started by husky450cr, March 03, 2006, 01:20:01 PM

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Hi, when I was a high-schooler I had a poster of Tom Penton wheelieing a 75 Penton 125 Six Day thru a field of tall grass...I beleive the poster came with a magazine, like Dirt Rider in the days of the four page sized pullout posters.
Does anyone know what magazine, month or year or a possible remake of that poster...
Shawn Warner
(2) 72 Penton 175 Jackpiners'...

Shawn Warner
Shawn Warner
(2) 1972 Penton 175 Jackpiners

Mick Milakovic

Hi Shawn, and welcome to PentonVille!  I don't know of the poster you speak, but rest assured if someone in this group does they will respond.  There is a wealth of information and experience here.  Enjoy! :D


Dennis Jones

Shawn, POG member Randy Kirkbride had that poster reproduced a couple years back. I bought one and it is very nice. I don't know if he has any left but I bet he will respond to this post

Dennis Jones
Dennis Jones


Thanks Dennis.  Do you have a phone or e-mail address for Randy Kirkbride...?

Shawn Warner

Shawn Warner
Shawn Warner
(2) 1972 Penton 175 Jackpiners

Paul Danik

Randy is down south for the Cross-Country race or he probably would have already responded.


Randy is down in Florida and will probably reply once he gets back on line.  I can't remember the cost, but it was real quality.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Dennis Jones

Click on the members link at the top right of this page and look under R's and you can email Randy from there.

Dennis Jones
Dennis Jones


Thanks a ton guys...!!!  I will do that...!!!

Shawn Warner
(2) 1972 Penton 175 Jackpiners

Shawn Warner
Shawn Warner
(2) 1972 Penton 175 Jackpiners