Started by skipperclyde, September 15, 2001, 03:40:48 PM

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Is anyone out there using a different pulg than the NKG B8HS?  I have a 73 175cc that is freshly rebuilt.  I have put all new jetting in the carb and it foules out the B8HS.  It also fouls out the B8HV.  I am currently running a DENSO W22FS-U that the dealer said is a cross to the NKG.  It runs great on this plug and doesn't foul.  I have been told this is a poor quality plug and not to use it.  Any one have any good reason not to use it or another plug I should try?



As it happens, my '75 Honda CB550 (with "everything you could do to it" as far as engine mods) would foul EVERYTHING EXCEPT ND W24ESU plugs. Go figure....

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Those bikes loved the Bosch plugs. They would run and run.



Those bikes loved the Bosch plugs. They would run and run.



Those bikes loved the Bosch plugs. They would run and run.

I tried a Bosch yesterday.  Didn't foul, but ran like crap.

Edited by - skipperclyde on 09/16/2001  07:13:38 AM

Edited by - skipperclyde on 09/16/2001  07:17:10 AM