Mystery Bing

Started by pketchum, May 08, 2006, 10:17:20 AM

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Charlie Sparks of the Razorback Riders gave me a Bing carburetor ,which belonged to one of their past members, to sell while at Teddy's ISDT Vintage Qualifier.

 All proceeds would be funneled back to their club. I've searched the POG site for the Model number and also Googled it and searched eBay for current & past autions with no luck. I'm trying to figure out what model it might be for so any help would be appreciated.

It's in darn good shape too, i.e. no smiley face on the slide yet but you can tell it's been used.  I've dipped it in carburetor cleaner and run compressed air through all the orifices to get it ready for the new buyer.

Bing 54
Model 54/34/115
230 slide
45 Pilot jet
180 Main jet

I was thinking it might be from a Jackpiner.....what is your opinion?


Phast Phil
Moderator, Hodaka Owners Group


Phil, a while back a 34 Bing was being sought out and it was suggested that it might have been oem on early 80's 125 KTM's.



Phil.    Al Buehners service manual that I purchased has information on spec. sheet for KTM 125. It lists a 54/34/1040 Bing. Slide 230
pilot jet 40, main jet 170.

In the back of the manual there are some yellow spec. sheets for KTM 125. Bing carb listed on this sheet is 54/34/104.

230 slide
50 pilot jet
170-180 main jet
322 needle jet

Would you trade carb. for other penton parts. I have tanks for six days and most parts off of rollers. Some KTM PARTS.
Thanks mxearl

earl m dempsey
earl m dempsey


Thanks to those who responded, both publicly and privately.  Rest assured the Bing carburetor has already found a good home, with a fellow POG member.  He has agreed to enrich the coffers of the Arkansas Razorback Riders association who so generously host Teddy's ISDT Vintage Qualifier there each year.

Phil Ketchum
Phast Phil
Moderator, Hodaka Owners Group


Thanks to Phast Phil (aka Phase Plant Phil), I now have the Bing.

Earl, if you need it, I would do some trading.  I have a Steel Tanker that has lots of needs.

#14u MOVMX and AHRMA
75 Jackpiner
92 KTM 300