Dale Walter condition update

Started by Big Mac, October 10, 2006, 04:37:38 PM

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Big Mac

I talked with Dale "Deek" Walter yesterday. After 10 weeks in the hospital after his over-the-bars getoff at the Spokane AHRMA event in June, he's back home now and even back at his desk job at work.

Dale seems to be taking things very positively, for a 70-yr-old racer with a spinal injury. He's still wheelchair bound and still without use of lower extremities, but therapy is reviving some sensation and he says the experts are impressed with his recovery so far. He hopes with braces he'll reach his goal of walking by the end of the year...but has promised his wife no more riding or racing! Dale's one tough old bird.

He said his only recollection of the accident was that his DKW was flying along, running unbelievable, and he was really getting with it just prior, even cleared a small double jump.
It's not all sorted out yet, but Dale thinks he's pretty well covered by the insurance he has, and being able to return to work is reassuring on the financial front. Thoughts, prayers, donations and all by everyone in the vintage bike community have been much appreciated by Dale and his family.

Jon McLean
Lake Grove, OR
Jon McLean
Lake Grove, OR


 Thanks for the update.  Tell Dale to keep us updated.

Ron Carbaugh
Kerrville, Texas
Ron Carbaugh