ISDTRR Rule Clarifications

Started by tlanders, October 25, 2006, 05:22:46 PM

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Hey Gang,

There are a couple of items on the Mudders website that are not the way things will be run. The first is the requirement that each team needs to have two vintage bikes on it. Ron has gotten so many calls about this that there will be no requirements as to what types of bikes may or may not be allowed on a team.

The second has to do with route penalties for being late to a check. In the past, we have been using Vern Streets program which is written around ISDE rules, that is why we have had to keep track of what clock time it was. The MotoTally program, that we will be using this time and what we used at the ISDT Qualifier Warmups last spring, is written around ISDT rules. I asked Dwight Rudder last march to help us get it right and we have put his recommendations into MotoTally code. I will try to explain it here:

Checkpoints. There will be a number of known checkpoints along the trail. Unlike the last few years where you started each section with real time clocks, this year you will simply start on your minute each time. The check point personnel will be using simple minute flip charts. The ride has been designed so that you will arrive early at the checks to stop and enjoy the scenery and visit with your friends. However, even if you arrive early, don't check in early because you will be assessed penalty points for checking in early or late at each checkpoint. There is no early grace period but there is a two minute late grace period from the time you are due at each checkpoint, in which no penalty is recorded.  If you are more than one minute off your scheduled time plus the grace period, a penalty of 60 points is assessed for each minute or fraction of a minute. If you are sixty minutes late to any checkpoint (houring out), you are disqualified from continuing on for that day. If this happens on Saturday, of course you may start again on Sunday. If you are less than sixty minutes late or check in early to any checkpoint, you are not to reset to a new minute, stay on your original minute. Example: You are five minutes late to a check.  You will receive a 180 point penalty (five minutes minus two minute grace = three minutes x 60 = 180 points). If you arrive three minutes late from your original minute at the next check, because you made up a couple minutes, you will not be penalized again for the minute over the grace period. However, at the next check, if you are four minutes late from your original minute, you will be penalized another 60 points for being one minute later than the last check and you are still outside of the grace period of your original minute. The bottom line, if you are late, work your way back to your original minute.

I hope this helps, see you all soon.


Larry Perkins


Now just explain how I tell who else is in my class?

Larry P

G Ellis

Teddy.. So now if you have two vintage bikes and one post vintage bike, you are going up against all post vintage bikes? Do you think this is fair? Just my two cents. Also how is it posibale to have four of the 200 PV bikes on one line? Just thought I would ask. Later Gary Ellis



By all the guys with the same class number. I wish he had listed the class names also to make it easier to see who is in what class.


I did not have anything to do with making the rules about who can be on a team. However, having PV or modern bikes does not give anyone a team advantage. Your team points are the amount of points you are away from the winner in your class. If every member on your team wins their class, the team point total is zero and the team with the lowest points wins. Example:
I come in third in my class and I am 126 points away from the winner of my class - I contribute 126 points to my team. One of my team mates wins his class, he contributes zero points to the team. The other team member comes in second in his class and is 23 seconds behind the leader of his class - he contributes 23 seconds to the team and the team total is then 149 points.

So if you want to win the team contest, pick three guys in three different classes who each will win their class or only has one person in the class. The team winner could be three novices in the Premier, Classic and Sportsman 200 classes (not the fastest bikes) for example. Having a PV bike, being an expert rider, if there are 20 riders in your class, does you no good unless you are going to beat the other 19 riders and win your class.

Make sense?



I should add that as far as I am concerned, having a team is all about riding with your friends and not about winning anything. You can tell this is my attitude since my team, the Soggy Bottom Boys, always comes in close to last!!!! Sometimes because the other two team members are in the same class!!! Unfortunately, and I am not sure why, this year Ron has split up all the teams so that we aren't riding together so there really isn't a reason to have a team in my estimation.


Larry Perkins


What is the class numbers?  Like for Historic Open Intermediate as example?  Sorry to be so dense.

Larry P


After seeing the starting grid for the event, I agree with your comment about the team fun concept suffering a bit. This is the one event each year I usually get to ride with my brother since we live so far apart. Thought it would be fun to get into the team spirit this year so we drafted another Penton rider and formed a team. Needless to say we all got split up and won't be seeing much of each other on the trail. I even enclosed a letter to the Mudders requesting to ride with my brother. I asked them to call or email me if it was going to be a problem. Got no reply from the Mudders so I assumed all is well. Had I known the team idea would prevent us from riding together I would have scrapped the team concept. I will still have fun regardless. Just my two cents for what it's worth. See everyone in Park Hills !!
Dave McCullough

G Ellis

Teddy maybe that is why you guys are called the Soggy "Bottom" Boys. Just having some fun. See you at the RR. Later Gary Ellis



Historic Open Intermediate is class #12. It looks like there are 6 guys in your class.
