Florida Vintage Racer/Penton Owners

Started by VICTOR MONZ, October 27, 2006, 10:02:36 PM

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I am considering relocating to St. Petersburg, Florida and as a vital part of my decision making, is my active Vintage Racing....as well as Penton Owners and Riders connections.

Any information and contacts with Florida Vintage racers...especially Penton Owners, will be greatly appreciated, as I am going for a job interview and house hunting the week of Oct. 30th.

My entire family is in the area and I wish to reconnect to them, but I still need my Pentons and Vintage Racing.

I know you all are great, please advise if you're in the area and can inform me about Vintage Racing in this area, or within a few hours of Tampa/St Pete.

Most respectfully,

Victor Monz

PS I will probably unload 3 or 4 of my Penton machines and will decide which stay or go once I've landed a position.


Quote: Thomas Jefferson, We are all born ignorant, some work to remain that way.
 Quote:Peter Villacaro, \\"it is impossible to teach those that wish not to be taught\\".

Randy Kirkbride

I was wondering if things were safe & sound in your local.  Hope it's OK.



I think it's time to re-establish close ties to my family...been having cardiac issues again and??????????

I am sending a check out for 4 calendars.  Can't wait to see them.


Randy Kirkbride

Sorry to hear about your recurring problems. Actually, I was referring to the wildfires in your area. Hope thing get back to normal, soon.
I'll send your calendars out Monday.

Marc Biro


I need to purchase some of your reproduction stickers. Can you help me out?


Marc Biro


woody runs a great vintage program at Florida Vintage. Hes a great guy with lots of great people. You are lucky.

Bill Cappel