Best 125 clutch set-up for MX ?

Started by bentrims, December 03, 2006, 03:54:40 PM

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I could really use advice on the best way to set-up a clutch; While doing a rebuild on the clutch from my race bike (73-Six Days) I noticed different size steel rings in some of my spare parts clutches.

The one I have been using has steel rings measuring 11.50mm surface contact area. Spare clutches I picked up for parts each have steel rings 5mm wider at 16.50mm.

With the fiber plate contact area measuring 15.50mm it would seem that better lock up and possibly increased longevity would be gained using the wider steel rings???

Please help me out here before I assemble. Are the wider steel plates from an upgrade or are the narrow plates designed for a lighter, quicker drive train as in a D motor?

Thank you,
Tom B.


I did get some info from Doug W. He thinks that 175 steel plates are the narrow ones in my clutch. Possibly to relieve added pressure to the drive train which is made by the extra HP of a 175.

I think I will change mine to the wider plates unless I get info not to.

Kip Kern


Will do some looking this weekend!

john durrill

Tom, Kip<
 I have a parts manual in pdf for for the 175/6. Its about 1.3 meg.
 Would you like me to forward it to you? It a scan Leo sent me. Its not perfect but it shows which parts are common to the 125 and which are just for the 175.
John D.


John, When you send that pdf parts manual out, would you please add me to that senders list ?   Many Thanks & Merry Christmas !!!
Nelson McCullough  [email protected]


Thanks guys and Merry Christmas.

John, please DO send that file:

[email protected]

john durrill

Tom , Nelson ,
It should be in your mail box now.
the page with the engine  blow up is in 2 parts so i would print it and tape the 2 together.
John D.


JOHN,  Got it, Many Thanks Again !!    Nelson


Thanks for the call on that John. Its always a pleasure to horsepower chat with you.


Thanks for the call on that John. Its always a pleasure to horsepower chat with you.