Methods for cleaning The exhaust system

Started by john durrill, September 25, 2001, 09:49:47 AM

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john durrill

Anyone have a method for cleaning the carbon and oil out of the exhaust? I have a method i have used for years but their must be a better way ! chuckle , chuckle


Doug Wilford

With the glass packs in the later models.  It would probably be wise to find a rather large oven to put your pipe in, (not easy) or take the pipe apart and use a wire brush or a good hot aceteline torch, the carbon build up that will hurt is in the back muffler area.  If you can get past the warden just put the muffler in the oven on clean and turn on the exhaust fan, Hee! Hee!


john durrill

Dont think i can pull the oven part off Doug ROFL! I'v used a wood fire out side.
Have to be carefull it does not get so hot that you distort or bend the pipe though. Thats why i was asking . Would something like a caustic soda work? It would be dangerous to use but something like that would clean the inside well i think.



You might try the method for cleaning a tank.  This was last posted on 9-12-01.