POG family night

Started by Paul Danik, December 04, 2006, 10:00:15 PM

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Paul Danik

The Thursday December 7 POG meeting will be our annual family night meeting.  The meeting portion will be scaled down and the fun part will be scaled up. The extravaganza will begin at 7pm and the location is the KTM building, Amherst, Ohio.

      Pizza and some light snacks will be provided, but the real treat is the entertainment supplied by some of our talented members and the fellowship between all who attend.

      As always, you do not need to be a POG member to attend.

Hope to see you there.

Young Ted

Although I'll be there, it's to enjoy the entertainment, not be a part of it. That I know of anyway. Ready for a few laughs.

Trouble Maker

Randy Kirkbride

Ted, You & Connie are always part of the entertainment.

I'll be there with a big supply of 2007 Penton Calendars for those who would like to pick them up there.

Paul Danik


   Just the guy I have been wanting to talk with. "Davie upon the stump" at Vintage Days made the latest issue of VMX magazine. Your motorcycle, Davie, is now almost as famous as you are. I will bring the magazine to the meeting to show you.

    Issue 28 of VMX has a nice write up about VMD which includes a nice picture and caption for the POG display along with the picture of "Davie upon the stump".

   Those of you who have one of the 2007 calenders that Randy put together can see "Davie upon the stump" as the photo for June, along with a host of other great photos, great job Randy, Thanks.


Young Ted

This is all your fault Paul. You are the landscaper that lights the bulb with ideas. I'm just the caper part. To think that this all started when I said an enduro was nothing but a Sunday cruise through the woods and then I bought a Penton from Rod with a weak main bearings guarantee.

Young Ted


This sure sounds like a great time. Sometimes I just wish I lived alot closer to Ohio.

Rod Whitman
Omaha, Nebraska
1972 Six Day (Rider)
1972 Six Day (Project)
Rod Whitman
Omaha, Nebraska
1972 Six Day (Rider)
1972 Six Day (Project)


just got home from the POG meeting. good people,good entertainment, good time had by all. dane was there too, fresh out of the hospital. and i love that shot on the november calendar [8D]   chi jer

Paul Danik

Last night the weather report for the Amherst area was pretty nasty, but the room was filled to the rafters. A big thanks goes out to everyone who showed up and made the evening a really special time.

     Karen Turner and Lindia Losse traveled from just north of Detroit, with Bill Smith as their driver, and entertained us with their Dulcomers while being dressed in period attire.  Conrad Pfeifer joined with them playing his Bass and Al Born joined the jam session with his Harmonica.  At times it was more like a holiday concert than a motorcycle club meeting.

     Pat Leimbach once again had the group in laughter with her stories, she is quite a gal and she likes to poke a bit of fun at her Big Brother John.

     Thanks to all who brought food and in any way made the evening such a success.

The pictures from top to bottom show,

1. Al Born, Karen Turner, Lindia Losse and Conrad Pfeifer

2. Al and Karen on their harmonicas

3. Pat Leimbach telling a story.

4. Chow time.


Paul, I like that large picture in the background of picture #3. Who is it?

Rod Whitman
Omaha, Nebraska
1972 Six Day (Rider)
1972 Six Day (Project)
Rod Whitman
Omaha, Nebraska
1972 Six Day (Rider)
1972 Six Day (Project)

Paul Danik


   I don't know who that is but it sure is a neat shot, I will try to find out some facts about that picture.  The smaller picture to the left has Rod Bush standing with the other top guys at KTM with the production line behind them. Along the right wall were three KTMs, I think one was Mike Lafferety's machine and the others are new KTM street machines.  There is a lot to see in the many different buildings that make up the KTM complex, they seem to be always expanding.

     Maybe Dane know's who is in that picture.

     In the third picture is right arm of the man himself, then his daughter BJ and then Mrs. Penton.


Paul Danik

One thing I do know is it looks like Al Born better soon duck :D
