new member looking for help with '73 175cc penton

Started by pitter, September 29, 2001, 09:11:26 PM

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does the 175 use the same size dynoplat as the 125? if not does any one know if i could find something like the 125 bosch points system. could any one tell me if the VIN: 7-21159524 is for a '73 jackpiner. just making sure i get a frame breather. i hate to ask for help and put a time limit on it but it will be sold within the next three days. thank you for your time.


Doug Wilford

The serial number says it was produced in the 11th month of 72, it is a very good chance it is a frame breather, if you have a good picture and can see the side stand.  If it is on the swing arm 73 under the swing arm 72.   Some one else will have to answer on the size of the moto-plat ignition 175  I do not remember.  I do know the 175s I have ever seen never used a Bosch points system



I own 7-30160629 and it is not a frame breather and 7-30565625 which is a frame breather.  My guess is that the frames changed between January and May of 1973.  Hope this helps



I have put the motoplat from my 175 on my 125B without any problems, timed both to 3mm BTC.  Don't know if you can put points on a 175.