Bike transport from Portland, Oregon

Started by Mick Milakovic, January 08, 2007, 12:26:34 PM

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Mick Milakovic

Hi All, anybody going to or coming from the Portland, Oregon area?  I'd like to get a vintage YZ80 back to Indiana.  I'd be very willing to help with gas money.  :)


[email protected]

Mick if your not in a hurry Wayne Rantz is moving some bikes for us Hodaka guys this summer. He is picking up in Casey IL in June going to Hodaka Days in Athena Oregon and then delivering the bikes back to Mid-Ohio in July. It is an option at least if you do not need the bike until Mid-Ohio I am sure his rate will be very fair. I hope this may help you. See you soon.

Big Mac

A few Portlanders likely to make a run to Mid-Ohio when summer comes. Otherwise, no telling-- it's easier to get to Tokyo than to Indiana from here.

Jon McLean
Lake Grove, OR
Jon McLean
Lake Grove, OR

Mick Milakovic

Paul and John, thank you for your replies.  I'm not in a hurry for the bike, and besides, if you read my other post you may see me going in another direction!
