73 Six Day

Started by thrownchain, February 07, 2007, 12:08:09 PM

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E bay item #  150089461693, not so much as a for sale posting, as the ad was done very nicely, lots of pictures, which alot of people don't do. There's a couple of DKW's listed under that heading also, the one in NY I can help with if anyone here buys it.;)


Here is a nice junk DKW engine,No trans,stuck piston. No mention that it is 5/A or 6/B type. Just thought I would post this in case someone needs a boat anchor.:-)))))))))))))

Randy Kirkbride

This bike is about 30 miles from here if anyone needs some delivery help. I go to some of the AHRMA races.  Let me know.


That's not a boat anchor,    it's a door stop.

Mick Milakovic

I'd like to know how in the heck they got the tranny out if the piston is still stuck in the cylinder? [:0]



Hey !! I didn't even think about that, good call!!