Motorcycle Hall of Fame Daytona Breakfast

Started by Jeff D, February 06, 2007, 09:22:34 PM

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Jeff D

ATTN: Any POG members headed to Daytona, I have an invitation from the Motorcycle Hall of Fame Museum for the 19th annual MC Hall of Fame Museum Daytona Friendraising Breakfast on Friday March 9, 2007.  I quote from the accompanying brochure:
"The Friendraising Breakfast is one of the premier events during Bike Week.  This historic and traditional event allows our donors the opportunity to gather together and enjoy fellowship and fun, meet some of our greatest motorcycling legends, have one of the finest breakfasts on the Suncoast, and further support the Museum in its noble cause."

Willie G. Davidson is the featured guest speaker this year.  All proceeds benefit the Hall of Fame Museum.  You must have a reservation to be assured a seat.  Limited walk-ins are available on a first come first served basis and only after all reserved guests are seated.

So...I've got this reservation form that I cannot use because I can't make it to Bike Week.  The invitation is addressed to the Vinduro group, but since many POG members are Vinduro members (and our interests are alike) and since no one on the Vinduro list has expressed an interest in using this invitation, perhaps a POG member (or members) would like it.  

I will mail it to whomever wants it (deadline for reservations is Feb 23)with the understanding that they will act as the reservation person for the POG (in case several members wish to attend.)
Tickets are $35 each of which $20 is tax-deductible, and there are other sponsorship levels ranging from $50 to $3000.  
Please call me at 913-686-2384, first come, first served.  Leave a message if I don't pick up, as I generally don't pick up on numbers that the caller ID sees as "unknown"....don't we all love those telemarketing calls!

I hope someone or ones can put this to use and attend this event.  From all reports I've seen, it is great.

Jeff DeBell
Jeff DeBell