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Started by Mick Milakovic, February 25, 2007, 10:44:39 PM

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Mick Milakovic

Hey Tom, beautiful job of making a Six-Day look like a KTM!  So what did you do to make it the "lightest Six-Day in the world?"  Curious minds want to know [:p]!




Hi Mick,
This thing may offend some but it sure was a nice project to have during some of the -12 below zero weather we have had. Send me your home e-mail for more revealing pics. [email protected]

The bike is currently 182 pounds with more supplies on the way to reach the 170's. Mid 170 is the 2007 goal. This could get boring to read but here goes; starting with the front and working my way back:
Front End:
Removed excess front axle overlap, 6mm aluminum pinch bolts at fork bottom, machined off fork brace mounts, aluminum wheel spacers, aluminum bearing spacer, machined brake shoe castings, aluminum front rim without rim lock (sheet metal screws), larger coiled fork springs, aluminum bars, titanium bar hold down bolts, aluminum front fender bolts, aluminum triple clamp bolts, all hand controls run aluminum screws / bolts and even aluminum lock nuts, small KTM 85 fender,

Mid-section motor:
Titanium footpeg bolts, aluminum case screws all the way around, pvl ignition, machined inside case covers, swiss cheese cylinder and head, swiss cheese clutch basket, no pipe stuffer in exhaust pipe, holes machined in exhaust manifold allow air flow through to cylinder, aluminum exhaust manifold allen bolts, aluminum head bolt washers, Logo and design ground off cases then sandblasted, Aluminum seat mounts front and rear.

I think I better stop there..you get the picture. A snow bound northerner with  a seasonal business and alot of time on his hands:)
Works in progress: billet aluminum exhaust manifold (sounds crazy but I ran one for years on my Elsinore) Ty swingarm pivot bolt. More Ty and aluminum fasteners on the way this week.

It was alot of fun to build. A gram scale was used to check for the best combinations to every nut/bolt/washer that went onto the frame.

Is it spring yet?[xx(]
Tom B


Definately tooooo much time on your hands, although I understand the need to stay busy in the sub zero weather, and what better way than with your Penton!![^]

Randy Kirkbride

How much weight are you going to add to it with that titanium snow plow?


  When we are at the National I don't want you to eat any food before the race.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Mick Milakovic

Tom, I don't see anything wrong with what you are doing.  If your goal was a show bike that would be different.  But since you plan on racing it then why not?  The way I look at it is you have one more bike that was saved from the junk yard.  

I part out my share of bikes on eBay, but I try to save certain brands if possible (Penton, Husky, Maico, Bultaco, the list goes on...) and if your goal is racing then do what you want.  Isn't that what we did "Back in the Day"?  Good luck this season, Mick.



Thanks Mick! I hope to see you at the races. I would not throw that 20 some pounds in a backpack and take it riding with me.

Good one Ron- May dad used to just shake his head back in the day and say "why dont you just skip breakfast instead of drill those holes".

Thats OK because my mom told me he's the same guy that told her the family car would get better gas mileage if he jacked up the rear end. "It would always be going down hill".[:p]

Randy, I was telling Doug W. that the snow plow was on Avgas and MC-1 this weekend. Kinda spendy but it sure smells good and brings back memories. 14 inches dumped on Friday.[B)]

Gavin Housh

Tom, I too am enjoying your work in progress and am wondering how light it will get. Did JP tell you about the 165 pound elsinore he's planning to ride this year? It was built from the ground up with lightness in mind. He built a frame for it with aluminum swingarm, bored out maico forks with 36mm YZ inner tubes with billet triple clamps. Everything else is just well thought out removal of unnecessary metal. I bet with all the fancy fasteners that if you had a special frame built you could knock out a few more pounds and get in the 160's? These projects are always a matter of time and money. I seem to have the money to buy parts but then can't find the time to work on the bike. Good luck, and Gung Hey Fat Choy. This is the year of the Golden Pig. The Chinese believe that if you have a child born in the year of the Golden Pig he(or she) will become rich. So let's get to work out there;). Gavin


I will have to get JP Morgen to send pics. That sounds pretty cool. I just saw some of his works projects last week.

As for the year of the golden pig, some other POG ninja will have to work on that for after our third born warrior TB met the amazing Ginsu[:0]. For 2-3 days you walk softly and carry a big stick!

Lew Mayer

I knew it was light but WOW, 182! I'll give you my Jackpiner to put on a diet.
1 1/2 days 'till lift-off for Ocala.

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer


........but "Master, when will I be able, to leave the monestary?"

"Only when you master the " WFO "

Best of luck!
Thomas Brosius



I hope all goes well and the skies are shining. Sadly I dont get to make it.[V] Family trip to Savannah for a possible relocation planned late. Two college kids on spring break and they want out of the snow.

Will have to join the fray in Texas March 31.
Deek racer how is the snow there now? Any new avalanches? Is the snow spider not truly a victim of his own web?

Gavin Housh

That "Ginsu" knife is a tough pill to swallow! Let's just say that I let the wife travel down that path. Catch ya later. Gavin


I saw Tom's bike at Phx. and it's a work of art.  Beautiful job Tom.  Now I can't wait to see you ride it.  I guess a Tucson/Texas chapter meeting (Diamond Don's) might be in the cards.  I think you attended the last one via conference call, didn't you?  Is a road trip in the near future?
Take care and talk with you soon, Skip

Skip Page
Tucson, AZ
Skip Page
Tucson, AZ



I hope you can make it to Texas. Carbaugh needs body guards everywhere he goes.

Thanks for sending the pics of your baja ride. That scenery is fascinating and must be something to ride through.

The race motor came back from Doug with NOS cases and rod (thanks Ron) so it should be sweet for Diamond Don's.

DD's website has it posted that Danny LaPorte will race but that would be on Sunday with the EVO bikes. Not sure if I am staying for Sunday but Bobby Lucas will loan me his Penton 250 if I do.
Tom B