Started by BIG SARGE, October 12, 2001, 03:28:19 PM

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If any of you are interested, Lyle Lovett Motorsports in Houston,Tx, (281)530-8600 has two full sets each of blue(200) and green(125) plastic and graphics still in the package for the special edition anniversary models.  If you are interested please contact Uli or Roger for a special deal on these sets.



in response to this message concerning the new plastic for the anniversary issue bikes. There were only 5 of 125 (green) and 133 of the 200 (blue) built, which makes them rare and collectable. I was told by the KTM dealer that ONLY owners of these bike could purchase the replacement plastics. What gives Lyle Lovett Motersports the right to sell to the general public? Does KTM know that they are doing this? As the owner of KTM JP005 (no. 5 of 133 built of the 200 cc)I will make it my mission to inform all who need to know that this is going on. I would like to also suggest that Lyle Lovett go back to making music but on second thought he wasn't good at that either!
DD @ [email protected]


Larry Perkins

Sometimes I should keep quiet, but...

I don't know Lyle but he is a Penton fan and that makes him alright by me.  I do have many dollars tied up in old dealer inventories and understand business.  Should the dealer just save those stickers till one of you guys needs it or should he sell it when he has the opportunity so he can reinvest the money in something quicker moving and more profitable?  I think the answer depends on if you live in the USA or somewhere else.  I would assume those sticker kits have been in stock since those anniversary bikes were out and no one has bought them.  How long should the dealer tie his money up?  If you want them buy them. If you don't want them let someone who does buy them.  They do no good to anyone sitting on the shelf.  I think if I had one of those bikes I would own the stickers and plastic and have it squirreled away for the inevitable rainy day.  I would assume that a buyer for these items would most likely be an owner of said bikes anyway.  You own a very COOL bike in sight and function. Congrats!

Like I said sometimes I should keep quiet.



I think what you wrote makes a very good point and I totally agree with you.



Larry, my sentiments exactly. This is the U.S.A., and if anyone wants to buy them all up and sell them for whatever the market will bear, more power to them. On the other hand, if someone buys them all up then GIVES them to those few bona-fide owners that should have them, that's O.K. too!

By the way, this would be the place for those folks to find 'em!

Host of the Vintage Bikes forum at //www.delphi.com/oldbikes and the Triumph Bonnevilles Forum at //www.delphi.com/grandpaul

Edited by - grandpaul on 10/15/2001  10:29:50 AM
Host of the Vintage Bikes forum at http://forums.delphiforums.com/oldbikes and the Triumph Bonnevilles Forum at http://forums.delphiforums.com/grandpaul


OK It is the USA but I was told when I bought this collectible no one else would be able to buy the plastics (which by the way I do have an extra set) Maybe my complaint should be with KTM for allowing the dealers to purchase these plastic kits, that should be reserved for the just the owners. I'm sure those of you who had a comment on this issue wouldn't feel the way you do if is was for your collectible bike. FYI this isn't the olny Penton/KTM I own --- I have a 1969 steel tanker, 1972 and 73 100cc Berkshire, a 72 and 73 125cc Six Days, 73, 74, 75 and 76 175cc Jackpiners and a 1977 10th anniversary 175cc. So, to say I don't love these bikes is an understatement. My first bike in 1973 was a 72 125cc Six Days Enduro and I have owned Pentons ever since. If this is the way the advance members feel on this issue I'm seriously considering dropping my membership to the Penton Owners Group. Considering the current state of our country in light of resent events, for anyone to make the comment that this is the USA implies that I am unamerican and deepens the insult. This will be my second and final reply in this forum. DD



What does living in the USA have to do with this issue? It sounds to me like you guys are dealers yourselves and don't understand the concept of collectibles. They should increase in value over time. But, if someone is out there putting this special plastic on none anniversary bikes they're cheating whomever buys their fake anniversary bike. This is not right to the guy who is mislead to believe he's buying a limited issue bike (when he's not) and it's not fair to the guy who has the real thing but the value goes down because of cheaters. And if the dealer has this plastic I'm sure it's because he's sold some of these bikes or has he? Did they purchase this plastic for a particular customer and the customer back out? Or, did he buy this plastic with the thought of people wanting to cheat.
By the way, saying that this is the USA in reference to this issue implies we're a bunch of cheaters, thanks a lot. Take a hint, if you feel you shouldn't say anything than thats your good sense trying to tell you to shut up. Motobabe


It has become apparent that many here do not know my 'style' of light-hearted humor. I never implied anyone was being un-American by fretting over some exclusive decals. In fact, the opposite was intended. I hoped one of our senior members would see fit to gather them up and keep them here, where they belong for those to whom they should be reserved. Please forgive my wording or goofy tone in which I replied. I too have owned more than one Penton, in fact more than one of just about every bike you could imagine, and I would hate to find out that I was rooked by an unscrupulous seller. As a final clarification, my statement that "this is the U.S.A." was alluding to the fact that we are FREE, not cheaters. And just a hint: if you read something here that you don't agree with, please e-mail the person who posted it and keep the flaming off the board; I neither represent the POG nor this forum's management, I am just one loose nut with his own computer, an internet connection, and a PERSONAL OPINION. The views stated here do not necessarily reflect those of the management (you've heard the old disclaimeer before). I sincerely apologize for offending anyone (everyone?); no joke.

Host of the Vintage Bikes forum at //www.delphi.com/oldbikes and the Triumph Bonnevilles Forum at //www.delphi.com/grandpaul
Host of the Vintage Bikes forum at http://forums.delphiforums.com/oldbikes and the Triumph Bonnevilles Forum at http://forums.delphiforums.com/grandpaul

Larry Perkins

GEEZ!  These are just opinions not life or death.  No one called anyone Un-American.  In the U.S. we do have an open market system and that is what I meant and believe.  

In my opinion the only real gripe might be with KTM.  You could make a bike look like an Anniversary bike if you could get the right color tank and the stickers and plastic.  But it would still not be one because those bikes carry special serial #s with I think JP and SD in them.  I too understand collectible as I own a few Pentons myself.  But even if they made one extra set of this stuff for every Anniversary bike made and they were all bought by people with non-Anniversary bikes that tried to fake them there would only be 10 125's and 266 200's.  Your bike will always be collectible even with those #s.  

I sure did not mean to write anything to insult you and if it came off that way I appologize.  Please don't overreact and quit when all that was being done was an expression of opinion.  I respect and understand your side.  We all share a love for these great two wheeled steeds.  We have just once again discovered that we bring to this love many different opinions, ideas, and beliefs.  That is what really makes us Americans- the shared differences.  I believe you all to be my American brothers and sisters.


Larry Perkins

Oh, one last thing.  You can ask my Mom or anyone I have raced with, I never had much good sense and was never easy to shut up.  Oh well.  I do have a real big heart and a great sense of humor though.



Larry, I'll need you Mom's e-mail address to verify these 'facts'. HA! Good to go.....

Host of the Vintage Bikes forum at //www.delphi.com/oldbikes and the Triumph Bonnevilles Forum at //www.delphi.com/grandpaul
Host of the Vintage Bikes forum at http://forums.delphiforums.com/oldbikes and the Triumph Bonnevilles Forum at http://forums.delphiforums.com/grandpaul


I too,am a collector of these fine M/C's, but I also have a 99 200EXC which happens to be the best dirt bike I have ever owned in 30 plus years.  I believe that if I bought the blue plastic and installed on my 99, anybody that knows the Penton's would know for sure that it was a fake, wrong fork and shock, maybe other differences that I don't realize.  As far as "generalbay" quitting POG group, I hope he doesn't, we need people with different opinions to make things interesting.  It would be pretty boring if everyone thought alike.