Shift-shaft spines !

Started by jon, May 01, 2007, 04:24:30 PM

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I have KTM with OK shift shaft spines. What's the best way to keep them that way? I have a new shift lever,but it still seems to loosen. Any help would be great. Thanks


Hi Jon,

I don't know how to dress the shift shaft splines but I do know if you take a metal saw to the cutout that is on the  shifter itself cutting it a bit more to form more of a V then you'll be able to pinch the shifter a bit more onto the shaft.

Hope this helps you.

Phil Ketchum
Phast Phil
Moderator, Hodaka Owners Group


.........perhaps part of the problem stems from the bolt contact surface being bent away from the bolt during the process of tightening(producing bolt bind instead of true torque),a bit of adjustment with a die grinder to correct the contact area problem (grinding to provide full contact when tight) may help...............
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