Heat guard ???

Started by imported_n/a, July 31, 2007, 10:42:49 AM

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Penton experts can you help me with a question?

I bought a set of plastic covers (air box and heat guard) plastic covers for my 74 250 harescrambler project from DG plastic at Mid-Ohio. In the back of my mind and from looking at a 400 Penton I saw with what I believe are the same covers I am concerned with the clearance and heat issues of the heat guard plastic melting.

First question: Has anyone had experience with the DG plastic heat guard on there Bike? (Am I worried for Nothing)

Second question: If they tend to melt has anyone come up with a solution? (other then leaving it off)Not much clearance between pipe and plastic cover.



My mistake though I posted to General Discussion. Sorry
Will repost.