Six Day 1256b - 5 Speed

Started by Ron, September 12, 2007, 11:24:15 PM

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Hi guys,
I'm using a 13 x 60 sprocket set on my bike. I'm trying to eliminate using 1st gear because of the gap to 2nd.
The bike pulls in 2nd gear pretty good, but the trouble is down shifting before a turn, I keep down shifting into neutral. I can barely chew gum and walk, so I need a cure
I'm wondering if I could make a 5 speed using 2nd through 6th, on a 5 speed lay shaft.
Has anyone ever tried this?
Thanks for any info.

Ernie Phillips

Don't know about making 6b into 5 speed but see link below for jpmorgan gear mods - drop in time:

I tend to overshift 3rd to 2nd when tired or in a hurry and blow through to a big fat neutral.  I have found that a soft touch to "nudge" out of 3rd into 2nd works better, and a pause before getting back on the gas.  Yes, you loose a little time but not as much a hitting neutral and having to start all over from gear #1:(

I'm running 13/60 on my 5A and Christopher is 13/54 on his 6B.  I like both ratios but think 13/60 would be too close together for Christopher's 6B.  Of course, he only weighs 140 so he can pull out of corners a gear higher than us full size guys.

Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN
Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN


Hi Ernie,
Thanks for your interest.
I have pretty good power off the turns in 2nd (with some clutch work), my problem is coming down from 4th or 5th into a turn and tapping down to many times. I almost always know when I've gone to far, but can't seem to stop doing it and its already to late.
I'm going to try puting 2nd thru 6th on 5 speed set up. That way I can keep tapping and it won't matter, I'll be in low gear.
I will need to machine some new spacer rings, but haven't studied the main shaft yet.
Thanks again, RonW